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Reflection: Effective Nurse Educator

Essay Instructions:

An effective nurse educator participates in continuous reflection of instruction. Reflection allows the nurse educator to identify areas of needs in order to improve practice and student success.

The purpose of this assignment is to reflect on lesson plan implementation in the practicum setting.

After implementing your lesson plan, write a 350-500 word short answer reflection on the following questions:

Were students actively engaged in the learning? How do you know?

Did you make changes to your lesson during implementation? What were the changes and why did you make that change?

What refinements will be necessary before implementing this lesson again? Support your answer with at least one evidence-based practice.

What went well that you will repeat in future lesson plan implementations?

This assignment requires 2-3 scholarly sources.

Please help! I have no idea even how to right this since I taught in zoom meeting. The students did appear engaged and asked questions.

I did make some changes during presentation: I had to slow my speech, not talk so fast. I also had to give additional examples on material twice when it looked like students didn't understand.

I will have to change the presentation to include basic pathophysiological & anatomy of the brain.

In the future, I will practice more, not talk fast and project more confidence.

That's all I have, help make this more academic/professional! Ok to add more than what I stated or embellish it. thanks

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The lesson plan is considered a vital component of teacher training, and successful teachers are invariably good planners and thinkers. Juler (2018) posits that education centers must base their objectives on the community's needs and lead education programs towards achieving these goals and instructions.
Reflection is an essential process in supporting growth and development as a professional. An effective nurse educator participates in the continuous improvement of oneself. Personal analysis and review of what has been done periodically is essential as it allows the nurse educator to improve practice and student success(Guise et al.,2017). According to Gilbert et al. (2018), this reflection component allows a nurse educator to think about their overall impressions and feelings during implementation: this might make you surprised or pause.
The class effectiveness is also delved into. For example, a nurse educator might need to answer to what extent the students meet the lesson objectives stated in the lesson plan.
In my lesson, the students were actively engaged in learning. They had a sense of ownership and control. They had a say in the lesson and were able to answer and ask questions. They also had a choice in their assignments; the classes voted for and against those they thought they could handle much better. The learners were also able to give a short statement on what they thought about the subject matter.
I did make some changes during the presentation. I had to slow my speech, not to talk too fast. Some students had trouble grasping what I was discussing. I also had to give additional examples on materials thrice when it looked like the students did not understand. I also had to incorporate a story in the lesson to capture the learner's attention. Each learner shared a story of their neighborhood and their current state. It helped break the monotony and cheered the student...
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