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Field Interview Regarding Supplemental Educational Services

Essay Instructions:

Field Interviews Reflection Paper: Each of you is expected conduct 2 interviews with two educators (from the same or two different educational settings) during the course, and then write a paper that shows you have thoughtfully reflected on a critical problem in education policy. Plan your interviews early in the semester! We will discuss guiding questions for the interviews in class and you may send me your questions if you are concerned about their appropriateness. The first thing to do is choose a policy you want to explore, then find two people who can talk about that policy from experience.

Paper Guidelines –

Provide an entering question: What policy will you explore? What do you want to know? (5);

Describe the setting where these educators work, and what you learned from the interviews (5);

Analyze the information by connecting it to at least 2 of our readings in class (10);

Indicate conclusions, implications and insights (10).

Your interview reflection paper is worth 30 points.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Field Interviews Reflection Paper
Field Interviews Reflection Paper
Education is an important aspect that ensures all people have opportunities to grow and progress through life. It is an essential component that guarantees skills development, ensuring that people are able to adapt to the changing world. Through the paper, we will explore the essence of providing a tutor for every child who is underperforming. The education system must develop effective approaches to ensure that individual is trained effectively to prepare them for the future. There are different studies that support the importance of tutoring the development of students. No Child Left Behind Act 2001 is one of the effective policies that warrants equal distribution of knowledge, including underperforming students. With effective tutoring, each student is able to attain the goals of learning. Supplemental Educational Services must be provided to all students never attaining their required grade level.
I am exploring the policy because I want to understand the benefits and disadvantages associated with its implementation. There are different approaches that have been used to train and tutor students. The aim of the study is to ensure that there is equal distribution of knowledge among all students. However, the sustainability of the policy is questionable. Will there be sufficient resources to provide a teacher for every underperforming student. Are there other measures that can be established in order to have a sustainable tutoring approach? These are important questions that must be addressed in order to understand the viability of the policy.
The educators engaged in the interview work as administrators at the district level. Therefore, they are responsible for the development of policies, training of tutors, and distribution of resources to meet the diverse needs of the schools. One of the administrators works as a field officer, who is responsible of visiting schools to evaluate the existing tutoring systems, curriculums, challenges, and resources. The other officer works as the supervisor of district education office. He is responsible to organize forums for training tutors based on the specific challenges, resources, and needs. These are people who can highlight the issues related with the policy identified in this reflection. In their office, their objectives are to enhance education access to all children. The officers are also responsible for sensitizing parents on their role in education. Notably, they also create policies that bring together parents, teachers, and administrators.
From the interview, I learned several issues related to the policy. Our discussion started by highlighting the advantages associated with having a tutor for each student who is underperforming. Both tutors agreed that the approach can enhance achievement among students, ensuring that they are able to pursue their desired programs. Another important aspect that was highlighted through the interview was the benefits associated with one-on-one tutoring. The administrators noted that research has supported the effectiveness of the approach. There are many benefits that can be attained through the contribution of one-on-one tutoring. First, the student will build trust with the tutor. This will establish...
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