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Recognize and Manage their Emotions

Essay Instructions:

Prior to beginning work on this journal
Read Why a Child’s Social-Emotional Skills Are so Important (Links to an external site.).
Review the Week 4 Journal Template Download Week 4 Journal Templatethat you will use to complete this assignment
Chapter 7 deals with the importance of teaching social and emotional skills. According to Bierman and Erath (2006), children with challenging behaviors tend to have difficulty in the social and emotional realm (as cited in Kaiser & Sklar Rasminsky, 2017, section 7.3). In section 7.3 there is a list to why these skills are so important. For this journal, you will reflect on three effects of social and emotional skills and discuss how these effects will help children during various points within their lives.
In your journal, address the following items:
Choose three of these effects of social and emotional skills and respond to the following questions. (You will include one paragraph for each example.)
Name the effect (e.g., behave more appropriately).
Explain how this effect will help the child make friends and get along with others.
Explain how this effect will help the child academically.
Explain how this effect will benefit the child later in life.
Explain how you could teach this effect in the classroom.
The Week 4 Journal
Must be one to two double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the UAGC Writing Center’s APA Style (Links to an external site.)
Must include a separate title page with the following:
Title of paper
Student’s name
Course name and number
Instructor’s name
Date submitted
For further assistance with the formatting and the title page, refer to APA Formatting for Word 2013 (Links to an external site.).
Must utilize academic voice. See the Academic Voice (Links to an external site.) resource for additional guidance.
Must include an introduction and conclusion paragraph. Your introduction paragraph needs to end with a clear thesis statement that indicates the purpose of your paper.
For assistance on writing Introductions & Conclusions (Links to an external site.) as well as Writing a Thesis Statement (Links to an external site.), refer to the UAGC Writing Center resources.
Must reference the course text.
The Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources (Links to an external site.) table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, please contact your instructor. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source for a particular assignment.
Must document any information used from sources in APA style as outlined in the UAGC Writing Center’s Citing Within Your Paper (Links to an external site.)
Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the UAGC Writing Center. See the Formatting Your References List (Links to an external site.) resource in the UAGC Writing Center for specifications.
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Essay Sample Content Preview:

Week Four Journal
AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Please type in your first and last name" Your Name
AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Type in your name name and number and then give the course title. For example, ENG 121: English Composition I" ECE 201: Introduction to Early Childhood Behavior Management
AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Enter your instructor's first and last name here.  Instructor's Name
AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Enter the date you will submit this assignment. The date should go Month Day, Year. For example: January 2, 2014" Date
Recognize and Manage their Emotions
Recognizing and managing emotions mean understanding the links between thoughts, emotions, and behaviors (Magliano, 2017). Therefore, the child will be able to easily make friends and along with others if they understand how their emotions contribute to their actions. The child is less likely to say mean things or engage in fights with others. This means they will get along well with others and in the process make friends. Getting along well with others will mean actively discussing with peers class questions and engaging them well in groups. This will translate to better academic performance, which is significantly aided by emotional competence (Housman, 2017). Recognizing and managing emotions will help the child later in life navigate life challenges such as marital disagreements and conflict resolution at the workplace. I will use universal intervention, that is, teaching the whole class because this will leave no one out (Kaiser & Rasminsky, 2017). Specifically, I will make sure the learning is fun and include role-plays and games, and class-recorded videos. I am confident this will help the child as well other students adopt social and emotional skills that will be beneficial to their academic performance as well their later life.    
Make Responsible Decisions
By making responsible decisions, the child is unlikely to engage in actions that compromise their relationships with others. In most situations, the child will understand how their decisions may impact others and as a result, they are bound to make decisions that will not harm others and the relationship with them. This will mean getting along with others and making friends. Academically, responsible decisions will mean responding well to teachers and participating actively in group work, which will improve their performance. Good choices right from a young age will result in success at a later stage in life. This is primarily because good choices will lea...
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