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Cultural Diversity in the Classroom

Essay Instructions:

The field of education is vast and complex with many stakeholders involved, sometimes controversies arise. These controversial issues usually begin with a single or a series of historical events. There also are usually arguments on both sides of the issue, both supporting and opposing. Since these issues may cause strife and division, federal and state policymakers, state and local administration, teachers, students, parents, and community members attempt to offer solutions to these controversial issues.
Relating to these controversial issues are cultural identifiers which can be defined as characteristics or conditions that make each individual unique. Usually one or more cultural identifiers are at the root of the controversial issues. Understanding both the controversial issue and the related cultural identifier can help stakeholders find the best, most equitable, and most ethical solution for everyone involved.
Throughout this course, you will be working on a 1,000-1,250 word research essay on a controversial topic involving a cultural identifier and the implications of the controversial topic on K-12 education. Your first draft of the research paper will be due in Topic 4, and you will be required to submit it to the peer review forum on day 1 in Topic 5, and your final version will be submitted in Topic 7.
Part 1
Identify a controversial topic related to diverse cultures and communities currently affecting K-12 education, such as body image, citizenship status, plastic/cosmetic surgery for teenagers, bathrooms for transgender students, ethnic curriculum/classes, religious clothing, prayer in schools, or other topics that involve at least one cultural identifier. In 500-750 words, begin brainstorming on your topic and address the following prompts:
Describe the cultural identifier and why you chose it. Explain your connection to your choice of cultural identifier and the role of social justice in regard to your topic.
Summarize the key historical events that have significantly affected your specific cultural identifier.
Summarize the topic in context of K-12 education, including the related cultural identifier and any associated controversies.
Identify current opinions for the controversial argument, including at least one supporting and one opposing.
Describe how this controversial issue could affect your future teaching practices and how it could affect your future students.
Summarize related policies or methods that have been implemented in schools as a solution to the controversial issue.­­­Part 2
Begin conducting research to support your opinion on the controversial issue. Collect a minimum of three scholarly resources from the last three years to support your rough draft due in Topic 4. Submit a 50-150 word summary for each of the three articles, including how the articles apply to your chosen topic.­­
While APA style format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic ­­­writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
Read Chapter 5.
Read "Introduction: Creating Classrooms for Equity and Social Justice," located on the Rethinking Schools website.
URL: http://rethinkingschools(dot)aidcvt(dot)com/publication/roc1/roc1_intro.shtml
Read “Sample Cultural Identifiers,” located on the National Association of Independent Schools website (2020).
Explore “Current Issues in Education,” located on the Education.com website.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Cultural Identifier
Students Name
Institutional affiliation
Part 1
Differences in Cultural Diversity
The introduction of common core standards by the government of the United States of America has made the current education system not strict and tighter. The following are the primary stakeholders targeted by educational practices in the United States of America; students, parents, educators, and taxpayers. They play the most significant role in all curriculum planning (Schwarzenthal et al. 2020). American learning institutions are becoming diverse every year. The average cultural diversity per learning institution is increasing, making educators attentive and keen as it is an important issue that should be addressed. Ignoring the fact that cultural diversity is increasing is not a good response. Therefore, educators are advised to embrace cultural diversity, which will help promote good grades, the ultimate goal of success.
In this article, culture is the uniqueness or framework around which our identities are created. In K-12 education, culture is a contentious issue that encompasses more than the language used in the classroom and the dietary preferences of pupils. In other words, culture impacts how we connect with others. As a result, various civilizations love different things and have different ideas. Educators are urged not to overlook a characteristic of a student as it demonstrates identification. According to research, educators often care about cultural identities created by pupils in the classroom.
Schools and classrooms should be places where students find peace of mind. However, it is unfortunate that schools are places where students get trained of pessimism and boredom. Also, many institutions fail to discipline students found with racial abuse. In addition, some institutions do factor in gender equality when selecting leaders. A suitable learning environment should be characterized by teachers respecting the students, which in correspondence instills confidence and hard work among students. Students should be given room to air their grievances with the assistance of concerned staff (Goudeau & Cimpian 2021). It is also the responsibility of an educator to exhibit care and understanding to every student to boost their morale and make sure they attain and reach their vision.
Summary of the Historical Events
A recent study has shown empirical evidence that historical truths can have long-term effects that are experienced now. The goal is to get a better understanding of the mechanisms that support historical persistence. Even though several processes have been investigated, culture, in my opinion, has not yet been adequately considered. Natural selection, which is affected by the relative payoffs of distinct cultural traits, produces numerous behavioral norms. These emotions include deeply held views about the extent to which people can be trusted, whether it is acceptable to behave honestly, whether women should work outside their house or if it is essential to punish those who have cheated on others in the community, and the importance of hard work by which gender.
Summary of the K-12 Education
Cultural identity has been a problematic issue in every aspect of education since the dawn of time. The primary issue in the educational environment within society is brought about by age, gender, race, religion, and belief, among other subjects. According to online articles or publications, " "Rethinking Our Classrooms, Volume I," "rethinking schools," introduces the growth of equity and social justice. Too many schools fail to address the racial, economic, and gender inequities embedded throughout our daily lives. I...
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