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Primary Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching

Essay Instructions:

This is the same paper direction ( instruction) like you did for the previous paper for chapters 1 and 2 ( order# 00158511) . BUT this time you will do it for chapters 3 and 4 .activity or a mini/lesson that you may teach in an ENL classroom . Please see attached text book

Discussion Board Directions:

Your discussions will be revolving around reading chapters from Richards and Rogers. Chapters 3 and 4 . You will be asked to design an activity or a mini/lesson that you may teach in an ENL classroom by using one of the approaches described in the assigned chapters 3- and 4 . Be clear stating which method/approach you use in your activity/mini lesson. Your activity/mini lesson should not be long and should be aiming at teaching one skill or strategy. (please see attached mini activity for chapter 1 -2 as an example )

Please read chapters 3 and 4 from Richards and Rogers and follow DB Directions.


Below are discussion guidelines. You may follow all or some. These guidelines may give you an idea how to conduct a discussion if you need more support in it.

These are suggested guidelines.

Guidelines for the article/chapter reading and discussion:

1. Offer a brief summary of the key points the author has made (one paragraph)

2. Comment on new, unfamiliar vocabulary and its meanings.

3. Characterize the reading (e.g., philosophical essay, research reporting, literature review, survey article, report of practical application).

4. Agree or disagree with the author’s main point or thesis; draw conclusions.

5. Tie the author’s comments to instruction.

6. Describe the points that have personal meaning or value for you; share the experience(s) you have had the piece brings to mind.

7. Offer some examples from your observations that reinforce or refute the author’s point.

8. Discuss any ideas the author inspires for instructional design, implementation, or evaluation.

9. Comment on whether this reading has supported or changed your previously held beliefs about this subject.

10. Present questions that you would like the group to discuss. Include points you wish to have clarified.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Activity or A Mini/Lesson That I May Teach in An ENL Classroom for Chapters 3 And 4
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Activity or A Mini/Lesson That I May Teach in An ENL Classroom for Chapters 3 And 4
The key points that the author makes in the third chapter relate to the oral approach and principles of situational language teaching in foreign language teaching. Besides describing the history of the approach, the author lays down its main characteristics, particularly the specific direction of introducing new language points contextually. Situational Language Teaching is founded on the theory of behaviourist habit-learning and focuses on the language-learning processes rather than the settings of learning (Richards & Rodgers, 2001). The key points that the author makes in the fourth chapter relate to the audiolingual method or the reading-based approach to language teaching. This method draws on behavioral psychology and depends on eliciting behavior using a stimulus and reinforcing the response as desirable or inappropriate. In addition to repeating or suppressing language behaviors, the method uses analogy to support language learning. The reading is a literature review of the two primary approaches and methods in language teaching.
Each approach is presented objectively and extensively so that educators can critically evaluate and question the efficiency of every approach. One point that has personal meaning or value to me is the importance of vocabulary control in foreign language teaching. The author highlights the importance of vocabulary in foreign language learning, particularly in improving the reading skills of ENL students. Learners should be familiar with a certain amount of vocabulary, particularly those frequently...
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