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Preparing for the Dissertation or Research Project
Essay Instructions:
Now that you have conducted a quantitative mini-study, it is important to think about the experience in relation to your own educational journey and anticipated dissertation or research project experience. Quantitative research is not for everyone.
Develop an original response to the following questions:
How has this course informed the direction of your dissertation or research project?
Do you think you will conduct a quantitative study? Why or why not?
Will you try to use the same design and statistical test? Why or why not?
If you plan to do a qualitative study, explain why this is your preference or why it is most appropriate to your problem of interest.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Preparing for the Dissertation or Research Project
Student’s Name
Course Code: Course Name
Professor’s Name
Submission Date
How the Course Informed the Research Project
The course has provided an understanding of research methodologies and their applications in research projects. This information has been a key addition to my research project that focuses on the attendance rates of employees in a corporate setting. I have a better and refined understanding of what is expected from a personal investigator in a research project and the standard guidelines utilized when compiling the final research version. Information in the article by McGregor (2019) will be key when writing discussion points and concluding thoughts in the research. Concepts such as variable identification, data analysis techniques, and ethical considerations have highlighted how to design a robust study.
The Rationale for Choosing Quantitative Study
A quantitative study is a strong possibility in my research project. The problem that the research focuses on is a detrimental trend in decreasing employee attendance rates in corporate settings. Brouwer et al. (2023) report that low employee attendance is correlated with reduced productivity and increased expenses in compensating for unavailable labo...
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