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Video Assignment

Essay Instructions:
https://youtube(dot)com/shorts/bYPqJWAik90?si=bNH3J5fESFXcsp1S Physical Education 1. Write a brief description of Fitts's law 2. Describe how the video clip relates to Fitts's law 3. Discuss how you would modify or utilize Fitts's law according to the video clip. Include the age of the students you are teaching. 4. Describe how you would use Fitts's law in your own teaching.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Video Assignment – Fitt’s Law Your Name Subject and Section Professor’s Name November 28, 2024 1 Brief Description of Fitts's Law Fitts's law posited that the amount of time taken to move to the target in a short time is proportional to the distance between the target and the width of the target. It shows that small and distant objectives are challenging to accomplish rapidly, while large and near objectives are easy and expeditious. 2 How the Video Relates to Fitts's Law While demonstrating Fitts's law, the basketball challenge consists of making increasingly difficult shots (layup, free throw, three-pointer, and two half-court shots) within the time limit. Each shot coordinates with a target at various distances and sizes, demonstrating how successful shots decline as distance increases and the size of the target gets smaller. A basketball hoop shot from half-court is more accessible than a laid-up shot. 3 How You Would Modify or Utilize Fit...
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