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Pre-Writing Scaffolding: Philosopher Analysis and Historical Topic Analysis

Essay Instructions:


The purpose of the Pre-Writing Scaffold Assignment is to summarize and analyze six peer-reviewed journal articles. The articles are to be on topics related to two future projects: Philosopher Analysis Assignment and Historical Topic Analysis Assignment. This assignment contributes to the scaffolding of these two upcoming course projects. In doctoral work, candidates are required to connect their research to a theoretical framework. This assignment will assist in building a framework for future research.


Collect a total of six journal articles (three for the philosopher you selected and three for your chosen historical topic) from peer-reviewed academic, professional journals. The journal articles you select are to be on the philosopher and historical topic as outlined in your Topic Proposal Assignment. All six journal articles are to be new to you for this course, meaning that you have not used them in any previous course.

In the Philosopher and Historical Topic sections of the provided Pre-Writing Scaffold Template, annotate each of the three journal articles you have selected in a paragraph or two of at least 250 words. The annotation is to include a brief summary of key ideas in the journal article and a sentence or two of critical analysis. Though this analysis portion of each article may be brief, it is to be more than just a simple personal opinion; it is to apply other sources as a lens for the critical analysis. For instance, every analysis should cite at least one other source, which may be the course textbooks, video presentations, and/or biblical worldview principles. Cite any sources used as support for your critical analysis accordingly. Do not copy the abstract of the articles and use them as the annotations for your articles as this would be considered plagiarism. Additionally, do not rearrange the sentence structures of the articles’ abstracts and replace words with synonyms; the originality checker in Canvas detects such acts of plagiarism.

After annotating the articles, and for each of the Philosopher and Historical Topic sections, write a 150-word paragraph synthesizing the information. Do not regard this section as an abstract or comprehensive summary, but rather as a space to critically analyze and draw conclusions on the ideas and concepts presented in the articles you have selected.

Finally, for both the Philosopher and Historical Topic sections and where prompted in the Pre-Writing Scaffold Template, write a preliminary thesis statement. Each preliminary thesis statement is to be 1-2 sentences. “Preliminary” means that you may revise and hone the statements as you prepare for the upcoming assignments. Although it is a draft, it should be written well. Watch the 4-minute video on How to Write a Strong Thesis Statement provided with this assignment. Your thesis statements should be concise, disputable, and coherent and should not simply be facts that readers universally hold as true.

On the references page of the Pre-Writing Scaffold Template, list sources other than the articles themselves that were used for this assignment. This reference list will include additional sources you applied in your analysis of the articles and may include the textbook, course videos, and any other academic sources. To cite videos, review the provided link to How to Cite Online Videos in APA (though the information in this video focuses on YouTube videos, the format will help you). There is no need to repeat the references for the articles since they are already listed in current APA format in the annotations sections. Because at least one supplementary resource is required in the analysis of each article, a total of at least six additional resources should be referenced on the references page.

The total length of this assignment is to be a minimum of 1,800 words not including the title page and the references themselves.

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via an online plagiarism tool.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Pre-Writing Scaffold Assignment
Claudia S. Sample
School of Education, Liberty University
Paulo Freire
Freire, P. (1985). The Politics of Education: Culture, Power and Liberation. In Google Books. Greenwood Publishing Group. https://books.google.co.ke/books?hl=en&lr=&id=TvzK9uKs4CIC&oi=fnd&pg=PR3&dq=Paulo+Freire++chosen+historical+topic+is++Equal+opportunity+in+education+is+an+area+that+lacks+within+its+current+state&ots=7YUvlVfGCN&sig=gbARaN7rT7ECIjMA0IurtrvfYPA&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q&f=false
Paulo Freire's book "The Politics of Education: Culture, Power, and Liberation" explores Black and Brown pupils' difficulties in the American educational system. According to Freire, the system is set up from the beginning to stifle their capacity to learn and obstruct their route to achievement (Freire, 1985). The author draws attention to the cultural and power dynamics at work, illuminating how these elements contribute to the unfair chances and obstacles that marginalized pupils must overcome.
The ideas of justice in the Bible and the concepts covered in our course materials are consistent with Freire's work (Isaiah 1:17). He strongly emphasizes the value of knowing the sociopolitical environment in education and how the dynamics of power support inequality. Freire pushes for a revolutionary pedagogy that gives marginalized populations more power by exposing the systematic repression of knowledge and opportunity for Black and Brown pupils. We have seen instances of educational institutions upholding discriminatory practices that cause gaps in academic success in our course videos. The analysis of Freire highlights the significance of identifying and combating these injustices. He promotes the elimination of repressive structures and the advancement of educational emancipation by highlighting the difficulties experienced by Black and Brown pupils.
According to the biblical concept of justice, we must eliminate the structural obstacles preventing marginalized groups from achieving academic achievement. We are called to fight for equitable educational opportunities for all pupils, regardless of their racial or ethnic origins, just as Jesus fought against prejudice and injustice. Freire's work aligns with this biblical ideal by underlining the need for a transformational approach to education that acknowledges various cultural experiences and encourages empowerment.
Freire, P. (2000). Pedagogy of Freedom: Ethics, Democracy, and Civic Courage. In Google Books. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. https://books.google.co.ke/books?hl=en&lr=&id=Hdl4AAAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PR3&dq=Paulo+Freire++chosen+historical+topic+is++Equal+opportunity+in+education+is+an+area+that+lacks+within+its+current+state&ots=QWeEcpYDum&sig=qEfSglIKUtk-qXmOCCPDcDsed2w&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q&f=false
The article examines the difficulties Black and Brown pupils encounter in navigating the American educational system, which hinders their capacity to learn and succeed. The author investigates the moral ramifications of this educational oppression and promotes democratic and valiant practices to combat it, using Paulo Freire's pedagogy of freedom (Freire, 2000). In order to promote the success and well-being of marginalized students, the essay emphasizes the value of critical awareness, cultural inclusion, and empowering learning settings.
The author addresses important issues on how the American educational system affects Black and Brown students' access to higher education. These marginalized students often suffer structural obstacles that limit their capacity to learn and achieve, which aligns with Freire's idea of critical awareness. Freire's theory provides a framework for comprehending and combating these students' educational repression by fostering critical reflection on power dynamics and structural disparities within education.
This article challenges us to think about the moral ramifications of an educational system that upholds injustices by examining the problem from an ethical perspective. It highlights the need to confront systematic racism and prejudice in education and raises questions about justice and fairness. The basic message of the Bible is the appeal for justice and equality for all people (Micah 6:8). The inequities that Black and Brown pupils experience inside the educational system must thus be acknowledged and addressed.
It also highlights the value of civic bravery in combating educational oppression. It encourages educators and administrators to oppose unfair educational practices, argue for legislative reforms, and remove structural hurdles. According to Proverbs 31:8–9, speaking up against injustice and tyranny is a biblical value.
Freire, P. (2015). Pedagogy of Indignation. In Google Books. Routledge. https://books.google.co.ke/books?hl=en&lr=&id=kBXvCgAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PP1&dq=Paulo+Freire++chosen+historical+topic+is++Equal+opportunity+in+education+is+an+area+that+lacks+within+its+current+state&ots=uNouLERSxr&sig=b5thummGSMyAlNYumLoaj87-H20&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q&f=false
The essay examines how Black and Brown children fare inside the American educational system, which is said to be set up to impede their capacity for learning and success. The author draws heavily on Paulo Freire's pedagogy of outrage as she explores the notion of critical awareness to educate poor children (Freire, 2015). The article emphasizes the need for educators to recognize and oppose oppressive attitudes, foster in students a sense of agency, and provide platforms for discourse and social change.
The essay raises important questions about how inequitable the American educational system is to Black and Brown students. By bringing up Freire's pedagogy of outrage, it highlights the need for critical awareness in breaking the cycle of educational repression. Encouraging students to evaluate the structures of power that sustain injustice critically is a fundamental aspect of Freire's ideology, and this idea resonates with the struggles faced by marginalized students striving to operate within unjust institutions.
Biblically, anger is associated with legitimate fury against oppression and injustice. Jesus displayed righteous fury when he confronted and opposed the cruel traditions of his day (Matthew 21:12–13). The essay serves as a moral reminder that educators must stand up for underprivileged kids, recognize the injustices they face, and work to alter the educational system to foster fairness and justice. The article emphasizes the need to create learning environments that give Black and Brown children a sense of autonomy.
Synthesis of Articles on Paulo Freire
The articles on Paulo Freire's educational philosophy provide significant insights into the challenges and opportunities of establishing equal opportunities in education, especially for disadvantaged pupils. Common threads across the pieces include Freire's critical awareness, discourse, and empowerment concepts. His educational style corresponds with the values of empathy and speaking up for the impoverished taught in the Bible and with the concepts of justice, inclusion, and student-centred learning covered in our course materials. The essays strongly emphasize encouraging students to develop a critic...
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