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Peter’s Wholistic Educational Development

Essay Instructions:

Watch the following video (Graduating Peter) and post your response/general reaction/reflection to the video (one or two detailed paragraphs), also contrast this video to the first one- Educating Peter. In your response, also address the question: how have Peter’s goals changed?
Educating Peter-‐ Discussion
What did you notice?
2.Describe the collaborations that you saw.
3.Describe the philosophy of Peter’s teacher. a. Give supporting examples
4.What were the barriers to Peter’s inclusion?
5.How were the barriers overcome?
6.Any collaborations missing? Who else (if any) should have been involved in Peter’s story?
7.What future (transition) was Peter being prepared for?
8.How did the professionals address the issues of transition?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Educating Peter
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Educating Peter
Graduating Peter shows that it is possible for anyone to achieve whatever they want in life in spite of their limitations. Peter’s story in this video is inspiring. This is especially so in the periods when Peter is taught various life and job skills. Most people take these skills for granted yet Peter, who has to be taught, ends up being exceptional in each one of them. The struggle that Peter, his parents, teachers, and fellow schoolmates undergo in helping him learn and develop socially is also inspiring. Some people would be opposed to including students such as Peter in an ordinary classroom. However, his success story, as seen when he graduates, should convince people that special needs students can learn together with other students.
Graduating Peter focuses on Peter’s wholistic development. However, Educating Peter takes an in depth look at his struggle and success in the classroom. In the classroom, Peter has to participate and learn like his fellow classmates. This is the main goal of educating Peter. Besides this, he has to learn to live and socialize with his classmates, which he does exemplary well. Beyond his education, Peter has to learn more advanced social skills, life skills, and job skills. Acquiring these additional skills means that Peter can become a useful member of society.
In Educating Peter, one of the collaborations I saw was between his teacher and his classmates. Realizing that she needed to come up with a plan to include Peter in the learning process, the teacher decided to ask Peter’s classmates to help her educate Peter. Ano...
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