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My Field Experience Reflection

Essay Instructions:

SED 2040 Field Experience Reflection Paper
1. Begin with a brief description of your placement.
Use the first paragraph of your paper for this. Include some brief information about the grade level, the physical appearance of the classroom, and some information about the students' demographics (gender, race, age, etc.). Indicate some of the disabilities that some students have been identified with.
2. Curriculum, Instruction, and Planning
A. Focus on one content area/subject (eg Math, Social Studies, etc) and list instructional strategies you observed during the semester. Be specific and indicate your perceptions of the effectiveness of the strategies in promoting student learning.
• Instructional strategies include "whole class instruction" (lecture/presentation/videos) that can be passive (little student participation) or active (students actively engaged in discussion). Reading-based activities--individual, group, or whole class round robin--can also be passive or more active. Writing-based activities can be rote written "practice" activities--worksheets with one-word or phrase responses, or more complex writing activities--graphic organizers, stories, reports, research papers, lab journals, etc. Did you see theme-based or project-based learning or anything similar? Did you see hands-on science, art, music, etc.?
• What is assessment like?
B. Where does the curriculum come from? Commercial purchased materials or district/school/teacher-designed? If a set commercial curriculum, to what extent does the teacher stick to the curriculum, to what extent does he/she modify it? Do you think the curriculum is effective in promoting student learning?
C. Comment on the planning for instruction you observed, both short term and long term. Is planning day-to day or in advance? Is it inflexible or flexible? Etc.
D. What did you see for differentiated instruction?
3. Management and Environment
Briefly summarize here what you feel you learned from this placement about establishing an effective classroom learning environment and managing it; address behavior management as well. (If you unfortunately learned mostly things not to do, that's okay, reflect from that perspective).
4. Accommodations and Modifications’
List some of the accommodations and modifications provided to students with disabilities/exceptionalities.
5. Concluding reflections: Think about the following questions.
What ideas, techniques, and models will you take away with you?
What have you learned that will make you a better teacher, better able to serve all students particularly students with exceptionalities, in a variety of settings?
Following your fieldwork observation and experience, list one question you have about educating/supporting students with disabilities. This could range from co-teaching, instructional strategies, managing student behavior, students’ rights, IEPs, working with families, etc.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Field Experience Reflection Paper
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Professor’s Name.
Due Date
Brief Description
The school has several grades, starting from grade one to grade six. The field experience was done in the sixth grade. Inside the classroom, there are ten desks arranged in two columns and five rows. The students face the front of the classroom. The teacher's name is Mr. K, who takes them through special education in sciences. The classroom is not as big, but it is arranged so that there is sufficient space for the teacher to walk around. The teacher's desk is at the front of the classroom. The walls of the classroom are filled with posters and charts displaying basic information and reminders.
In my interaction with the class, I noticed four students who were most outspoken than the rest. Jake is a male, white student who has mild mental retardation. He is very interested and enthusiastic when it comes to learning. Lucy is a black female student who is physically challenged following a road accident when she was just three. She lost both of her lower limbs and now moves with crutches. She is very bright and is good at her studies. Lee is a white male student who seems to have social withdrawal symptoms. He is reticent and rarely speaks or plays with friends. He is poor in mathematics, and the teacher has to offer extra tuition to him.
Curriculum, Instruction, and Planning
During mathematics subject, the teacher engaged the students in a variety of instructional strategies. First and foremost, there were videos to display various mathematical problems and articulate them into real life. The strategy was highly effective as all the students showed maximum interest, attention, and cooperation. Another instructional strategy involved the use of stories to solve mathematical problems. Again, the students were actively engaged, and they were excited and motivated to learn. It promoted the student's cooperation, attention, and interest in learning. Assessment was done individually per student, where the teacher took time with every student to assess their prowess in solving basic mathematical problems as it was in the curriculum. Long-term planning for instruction was done in advance at the beginning of the academic year. It was flexible as it allowed for the inclusion of practical models in the classroom. On the other hand, short-term planning for instruction was done day-to-day, every morning. It was also very flexible as the needs of the students present every morning were considered and met. For differentiated instruction, the teacher took into consideration the needs and disabilities of every student and delivered dif...
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