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Navigating Ethical Leadership in the Context of Social Justice

Essay Instructions:
As we have examined, ethical action is not straightforward, especially in the context of a modern, interconnected world. As a result, social justice leadership is filled with tensions and “consequent dilemmas” (Sarid, 2021, p. 150). Praxis is theory-informed action leaders use to conscientize decisions across situations and contexts. Reflect on course readings and video presentations to develop an original response to the following questions: How do the questions “What could be done” and “What should be done” differ? Why is this distinction important for ethics and social justice? How can leaders in your professional field develop strategies to navigate social justice advocacy and ethical leadership?
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Navigating Ethical Leadership in the Context of Social Justice Student’s Name Professor’s Name Institutional Affiliations Course Name and Number Due Date Navigating Ethical Leadership in the Context of Social Justice How do the questions “What could be done” and “What should be done” differ? Why is this distinction important for ethics and social justice? The two phrases influence social justice in varied capacities through their differing meanings. For instance, the former presents suggestions for social justice stakeholders to deliberate when devising applicable actions for addressing varied issues. However, the latter is a definitive declaration of strategies that can trigger a difference in specific social justice initiatives. Lundberg (2022) states that competing ideas are commonplace in social justice and ethics, requiring stakeholders to demonstrate increasing awareness while combating related problems. Sarid (2019) also flags the presence of consequent dilemmas that may impair the implementation of appropriate solutions. As a result, differentiating the two questions enables social justice leaders to recognize the varied propositions...
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