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The National Association of Education

Essay Instructions:

The National Association of the Education of Young Children of our “best online website” resources for the teachers of young children. Take the time to view the website. Choose one current/recent article of your choice. If you find one on one of our Early Educators, Programs or Philosophers that would be a good choice…or choose an article relating to current issues/trends in early childhood education and write a solid write-up describing the article and why you favor or disfavor/disagree with the articles content ….

Essay Sample Content Preview:
The National Association of Education Author Name Institution Affiliation In the article titled Tips for Recent Graduates and Professionals New to ECE: Advice from Your Peers, it is clearly mentioned that it has become really difficult for recent graduates and professionals to land their dream jobs. Both seasoned and new childhood professionals are encouraged to apply for the ECE job as soon as possible. Certain tips and ideas have been shared in this regard in order to help them achieve success. The first thing that has been told in this article is that professionals and recent graduates should familiarize themselves with the culture and environment of the workplace. In addition, they are required to think about the benefits or value of early childhood education before applying as substitute teachers, paraprofessionals or assistant teachers. If they do not gain knowledge in this regard, it may become difficult for them to secure a job of their choice. These positions can be rewarding and lifelong if professionals or new graduates prove their worth and accomplish the tasks given to them in a timely manner. There are times when job hunters get discouraged or are afraid of hearing a “No.” Such people should bear in mind that the hiring process is quite complicated and that the hiring manager has to make the selection after checking credentials and other similar things. If your abilities or skills do not match their requirements and your application is rejected, then you should not get discouraged and instead need to move on and apply somewhere else. I find this point quite interesting, as I have seen that fresh graduates lose their hope when they are rejected by one or two hiring managers. They should bear in mind that there are plenty of other options to consider and that there is nothing to worry about. What they should do is to learn from such experiences and move on with full courage and stamina. It is a common observation that new graduates and even professionals do not prepare themselves for the interview. I agree with this point of the article that they should appear for the interview only after proper preparation so that they can increase their chances of getting hired. I have found many professionals in my circle appearing for job interviews without any preparation. Even if you are experienced and have a firm grip over your subject, you will always have to know what types of interview questions the hiring manager is going to ask. This would be possible only when you visit the company once or twice before the interview day, communicate with the staff, and try to know the type of work being done over there. Portfolios can be put on personal websites or social media networks too; the hiring manager sometimes wants to know what makes you the be...
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