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Children with Autism Education Essay Research Paper

Essay Instructions:

this should include definitions of Key Terms from the readings and your position on a Meaningful Message that you learned in the reading. What concept/idea did you find important and meaningful? Why is it personally meaningful to you and/or to your practice as an educator? Provide the full citation for the article from which you acquired the information using APA style

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Children with Autism
Key definitions:
Autism: is a developmental and neurological disorder that develops in the early stages of childhood lasting throughout an individual life. It affects how an individual interacts with others, acts and learning, and communication.
Early Childhood Educators: refers to a person whom professions involve caring for the physical, educational, and emotional needs of children.
Children with Autism
Early childhood education objective is to provide health, psychological and social needs for children. An educator in this profession is faced with several challenges; as the environment is changing regarding economic, social, and psychological aspect, there is an increase in numbers of children and a decrease of parental guidance making the ECE program stressed. Hence, the amount of pressure an educator handling children with autism cannot be ignored. Besides the several available treatment approaches available for autism, the given article has observed a critical factor in dealing with children with autism at an ECE program. This factor is the joint effort between an educator and the affected child parent. As education is the most operative intrusion available for children who have autism today, a joint effort from both the parent and the educator is required. To support the message this article is also going to observe what is expected from an educator who is handling children with autism and expound more on the need to have a collaborative effort of educators and parents.
As an educator, one is expected to provide an environment that is nurturing and effective for learning in response to the children's individual needs (Cook, Klein, & Chen, 2015). One is supposed to provide a purposeful,...
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