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Physical Environment for Young Children

Essay Instructions:

Developmentally Appropriate Physical Environment. In this section there are four chapters. Students will cover the material in Chapters 7 & 8, The Physical Environment for Preschoolers and Primary-Age Children.

Assignment/activity- Referencing the NYS Planning Guide Website and referencing Chapters 7 & 8, design a developmental age-appropriate classroom environment (physical environment) for young children. Choose a preschool or kindergarten environment.

Assignment need to be presented in their final edited format; they need to be typed, word-processed using Time New Roman or similar font, 12 point, double-spaced

TEXT: Developmentally Appropriate Practice: Curriculum and Development in Early Education (5th or6th edition) by Carol Gestwicki. Wadswoth, Cengage Learning ISBN. 13:987-1-133-60277-4

Online resources:

www(dot)nysed(dot)gov New York State Prekindergarten Foundation for the Common Core

Http://www(dot)emsc(dot)nysed(dot)gov/ciai/pub/pubother.html New York State Preschool Planning Guide

www(dot)emsc(dot)nysed(dot)gov/ciai/ele/elacore.pdg New York State Learning Standards (Pre-K & Kgn)

communityplaythings.com Community Play Things

NAEYC.com National Association for the Education of Young Children


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Physical Environment for Young Children
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A physical environment is a place where young children should be provided with a safe, secure and friendly environment, and it is where all important activities of the day should take place, such as eating, playing, going to the bathroom, washing hands and studying. Since all early childhood philosophies emphasize the significance of hands-on-learning, play, and the entire child development, a good environment needs to support all of these activities.
Fulfilling the Requirements of Children
The first step is to determine the basic needs of young children. In the classroom or physical environment, they should be provided with a sufficient number of books, educational games and other things needed for their grooming. Children should then be encouraged to experiment, explore and learn basic knowledge through direct experience. In the physical world, for example, they should be provided with pencil colors, plastic fruits and vegetables, comfortable tables and chairs, and a separate dining area where they can sit together and enjoy food during the break time.
Rich in Play
Through a variety of games, children should be encouraged to boost their performance. The selection of the right kind of plays is important so that children experience new things and can explore a whole new world of opportunities and happiness. Hot Potato, Hide and Seek, Scavenger Hunt, Duck, Duck, Goose, Animal Charades, Musical Chairs, and Indoor Obstacle Course are some of the physical activities that may help them perform well. These plays can provide a way for children to integrate their new experiences into their rapidly developing bodies, minds, social skills, and emotions.
Rich in Teaching
There is a strong need to provide children with enough books and colorful magazines within the classroom. For this purpose, the instructor can plan curriculum and divide each lesson into different sections, combining them with plays and games so that children do not feel bored during studies. In simple words, we can say that it should be a blend of curricular and extracurricular activities.
Rich with People
Children, before, during and after their studies, need a lot of exposure to other people as part of their physical and mental development. One of the core weaknesses of eastern society is that children have less exposure to a diverse number of people livin...
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