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Mastery of Critical Thinking: Gun Violence, Cognitive, Affective, Psychomotor Domains

Essay Instructions:

Describe an important problem faced by society today (e.g., income inequality, gun violence, online privacy). Provide your own analysis by asking—and answering—a relevant question from at least three domains of thinking. In your answers, apply at least three intellectual standards and explain why they are important in this context. Also, explain why each question is either a question of fact, preference, or judgment. 

In one paragraph, at the end of your paper, reflect on your analysis of the problem that you selected. Describe how your consideration of this problem demonstrated deep learning.

Your response should be at least three pages in length, double spaced, and in Times New Roman 12pt. font. You are required to use at least your textbook and one scholarly article from any database within the CSU Online Library as source material for your response. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations in APA format. The title and reference page do not count towards the three page minimum.

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Gun Violence
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Misuse of guns is seen causing killings and injuries of many innocent lives each year. This violence causes a heavy burden on the living standard not only on the individuals who are victimized but also on the entire community. This burden is estimated to cost the country about $180 billion in every year. Although, violent crime rates of any kind have been constantly declining since the early 1990s, the reason for the decline is considered to be innovative policing and new measures in the drug market. However, the country still experiences a homicide rate of 5 murders for every 100,000 people, which is the highest rate of all developed countries.
Cognitive domain
A question on the cognitive domain can be as follows: can you analyze reasons gun violence is a problem in the society? An important intellectual standard that can be applied in addressing this question is accuracy; this intellectual standard aims to determine how true or accurate is the subject matter. Gun violence is not a new thing in the country. The issue is a true concern and a challenge in the society. Accurate statistics shows that gun violence is a major problem in the country. Whenever it happens, there is a call for more control of guns, but critics normally respond by arguing that government is n=infringing their rights by intending to take away their guns. Statistics shows that many citizens own guns, which explains why gun violence is quite prevalent. Unlike to that of other developed countries; it is the country’s unique relationship with guns (Monuteaux, et al. 2015). Politics plays a role to ensure that relaxed laws and culture of the country continue to influence widespread gun violence to rocks innocent lives.
The country’s gun problem is entirely unique. The rate of gun violence is the highest when compared to other developed countries. Statistics indicates that the in the world, the country has the highest number of citizens who own gun privately. Furthermore, statistics shows that for every 100 people, 89 privately owned guns are in the hands of ordinary citizens (Monuteaux, et al, 2015). This means that about one gun is privately owned by each American adult. However, this does not mean that each American adult, in a real sense, owns a gun. These explain why gun ownership correlates with gun violence. Guns are widespread among minority cultures who always are loud critics against any measure of gun control and normally scare legislators not to vote against such measures.
It is evident that citizens normally support gun control measures, but these measures are not enforced to laws because such measures often face other political hurdles. Opponents of gun control measures can manipulate legislations which would create effective measures (Monuteaux, et al. 2015). Although, proponents of gun control measures are more than opponents, powerful political lobby back interests of the opponents.
Affective domain
An important question on the affective do...
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