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Logical Model, Health Belief Model, and Evaluation Purpose

Essay Instructions:

Revision (the previous writer is on sick leave, cannot revise).
Revision request :
Hello, I got a low grade on this assignment. Since it is a compiling assignment, could you please revise according to the feedback.
1. Review title page for APA7
2. No header
3. you must use the provided template for the logic model per the instructions
4. in Overall Evaluation: “ One of the SMART goals is the program…..” : this must be specific to be measurable.
5. “one of the SMART objective …..” Your goals must be in full SMART format - see the instructions, Announcement and Module 1 presentations. The sample paper will also help you.
6. References must be in Full APA7
file attached (00134615_revised_2.docx )

Proposal: Purpose, Logic Model, Timeline, Budget, Design, and Goals
In the Module 2 Application assignment, you will continue work on an evaluation proposal for a health and wellness education program you selected in Module 1. In this portion of the proposal, you will address the evaluation purpose, the logic model for the evaluation, the evaluation design and outcomes, the proposed timeline, and the potential evaluation budget. You will also develop a logic model graphic using a template provided.
View/Download the Program Evaluation Proposal Outline (Links to an external site.) (DOC) and Logical Model Template (Links to an external site.) (DOC) for use in this assignment.
Create a 4- Word document (not including the title and references pages) for your response.
Use APA format for the title page, references page, and in-text citations.
Follow the directions to submit your final Word document. The logic model graphic should be incorporated into the narrative.
In this assignment, you will continue work on your health and wellness education program evaluation proposal. You will describe the evaluation purpose, the logic model (in words and graphically), the evaluation design, and the overall evaluation goals, including the questions to be answered and the SMART goals to be addressed. Questions and goals need to align.
Use the Program Evaluation Proposal Outline and Logic Model Template (both linked above) as guides as you complete the following:
Digital Learning Connections icon
Evaluation purpose (1-2 paragraphs)
Logic model description (inputs, activities, outputs, outcomes) (1-2 paragraphs)
Logic model graphic
Proposed timeline (1 paragraph or graphic)
Potential evaluation budget (1 paragraph)
Evaluation design (1-2 paragraphs)
Overall evaluation goals (1-3 evaluation questions; 1 SMART goal per question)
Hello, the outline is a big accumulated paper to the end of the course. I am still waiting for the writer to complete the 1st part. after i got it , i will send it to you. please follow to the outline as a guide and there is also a sample final paper which include 10 pages outline.
more information on this assignment
Evaluation purpose (1-2 paragraphs)
Logic model description (inputs, activities, outputs, outcomes) (1-2 paragraphs)
Logic model graphic
Proposed timeline (1 paragraph or graphic)
Potential evaluation budget (1 paragraph)
Evaluation design (1-2 paragraphs)
Overall evaluation goals (1-3 evaluation questions; 1 SMART goal per question)
Here is an example of a SMART goal with a Bloom term: At the end of the wellness program, 97% of the audience will be able to identify at least three healthy lifestyle changes that can be made to improve their overall health. (Note that there is a time frame – at the end of the program; a % of the audience; and a Bloom term – identify. These are all needed to ensure the goal is measurable).
thank you
I just up load the APA 7 tips, this professor is very strict with the format. Thank you

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Logical Model, Health Belief Model, and Evaluation Purpose
[Author Name]
Purpose and Logic Model
The purpose of the logical model is to guide overall crafting of the program’s framework and rationale behind the program. Control Your Well-being Project is on theatrical models of health promotion and disease prevention. Some various theories and models support the practice of health promotion and disease prevention programs, such as the Control Your Well-being Project. These theories and models provide logic and provide a philosophical and scientific foundation for implementing a healthy program. When identifying a theory to guide health promotion and disease prevention interventions is essential to consider various factor. Control Your Well-being Project will be assessed and implemented based on the theory of the Health Belief Model. This theoretical model can serve as a blueprint for health promotion and disease prevention programs because it provides the foundation for explaining and predicting individual changes in behavioral health patterns.
Health Belief Model
It is a frequently used model in understanding health behaviors. The core elements encapsulated in Health Belief Model revolved around individual beliefs regarding health conditions, which determines individual health-associated behaviors in terms of perceived susceptibility or perceived threat to sickness or disease, exposure to challenges that prompt action, perceived severity or beliefs on consequences, perceived benefits if one takes action, perceived barriers to action, and confidence to succeed self-efficacy (Saghafi-Asl, Aliasgharzadeh & Asghari-Jafarabadi, 2020). Thus, the Health Belief Model application in this project will involve gathering information through the needed health assessment to determine perceived health risk from the population, communicating such perceived health risks, and demonstrating action that would improve behaviors that limit perceived health risks. Based on this theoretical model, the evaluation exercise of the Control Your Well-being Project will focus on modifying factors, individuals’ health beliefs in terms of susceptibility, severity, barriers, and self-efficacy, and actions (Sina, Graffy, & Simmons, 2018).
The health belief model is among the most popular ones in health promotion projects because of its measurable impacts. The model guides disease prevention and health promotion programs by predicting individual changes to health behaviors. According to Hassanein et al. (2021), the first factor that influences human behaviors in health is beliefs. Using this model, the stakeholders must understand if the beliefs of the participants are right and support the recommended health behaviors. Some of the elements of belief that the model emphasizes include self-efficacy or the individual’s confidence in ability to succeed, exposure to factors that promote action, perceived benefits of some beliefs or behaviors, perceived severity of illnesses, and the perceived threat to sickness. Correia at al. (2019) noted that among diabetes and hypertension patients, the model can be employed to assess the participants’ position in their health-wellness continuum. Eventually, the practitioners can employ the belief assessment outcomes to condition the patient’s transition towards wellness through strategies such as promotion of self-care and encouragement of early diagnosis.
Evaluation Purpose
The purpose of the evaluation is to identify actual population needs through need health assessment identification of various factors such as modifiable factors and perceived health risks will justify the need to implement this Control Your Well-being Project. The finding from the evaluation will be used to justify the need for the project and be used to develop a blueprint of the implementation plan.
Logic Model Description
The logical model involving Health Belief Model helps in the identification of key resources that support program evaluation. A range of resources is needed to support the health program, such as Control Your Well-being Project. The resources that are required to support evaluations exercise includes financial resources, human resource, administrate expenditures, incentives, time and talent (Saleh, Ara, & Afnan, 2016). Other resources such as diagnostic tools include glucometers, weight measuring, and blood pressure reading machines are required. All these resources would help implement the core process involving assessing health risks, perceived health risks, modifiable factors, and individual self-efficacy. The expected outputs from the study would entail results on community perceived health risks and perceptions towards the severity of diabetes and hypertension, the perceptions of the effectiveness of core recommended strategies in managing these illnesses, and experience gained from such disease that would act as a cue for people to act.
The findings on health assessment needs will act as a foundation for implementing the Control Your Well-being Project. The outcomes from the assessment are expected to be accompanied by increased support for the program from all stakeholders. The program evaluation will predict that patients living with diabetes and hypertension who participated in patient education will demonstrate an increased self-management skill, enhanced acceptance of their chronic illness, and reduced negative emotional response to chronic disease after 12 months of Control Your Well-being Project implementation. While applying the Belief Model, the evaluation on the outcome will assess and measure the yielded new knowledge as to what patients with diabetes can obtain by participating in patient education. Overall, the long-term goal, which is contributed by the short-term goals of this program, involves boosting health literacy in the context of a patient’s disease process and instructions for self-care and management. This goal of a health education program is in line with the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (2014). Objective outcomes of the Control Your Well-being Project will be evaluated too. For instance, there is a need to measure patient outcomes to ascertain the effectiveness of the Control Your Well-being Project on diabetes and hypertension education programs. The patient participating in this program will need to be assessed for measuring parameters such as the patient’s HgA1C level and hypertension blood pressure readings. The patient's primary physician will develop the specific goals set for patients, such as for HgA1C level and hypertension.
Logic Model
Problem Statement


When identifying health promotion and disease prevention interventions, it is essential to consider various factor. Control Your Well-being Project will be assessed and implemented based on the theory of the Health Belief Model. This theoretical model can serve as a blueprint for health promotion and disease prevention programs because it provides the foundation for explaining and predicting individual changes in behavioral health patterns.

The goal of the evaluation is to identify actual population needs through need health assessment identification of various factors such as modifiable factors and perceived health risks will ...
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