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Lesson Plan Education Essay Research Coursework Paper

Essay Instructions:



Humanities Assessment Strategies

Content area

English Language Arts

State standard

Demonstrate the conventions of capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing. 


Definition and purpose of pre-assessments in instructional planning

This is assessment that assesses a student’s strengths, weakness, knowledge, and skills prior to instruction. 

Examples of pre-assessments (not paper-based)


During the lesson the students turn and talk, this provides an equal may opportunity to have the students contribute to the activity. This allows students to discuss and clarify questions.


Differentiation techniques and accommodations


Teacher observation/checklists

Teacher prepared tests

Writing Prompts/Samples

Student Products and Work Samples


Plan for student feedback


Write comments on student work and write the grade on the rubric separately


Have the students read your feedback and write three observations and two questions based on your feedback

Have the students use the rubric to give themselves a grade.

Give them a chance to revise their work.



Formative Assessment

Definition and purpose of formative assessments in instructional planning

Formative assessment's are given to improve students' learning which is for teachers to improve how they're teaching.

Examples of formative assessments (not paper-based)

Questioning strategies allowing students an opportunity for deeper thinking while engaging students in classroom dialogue that both uncovers and expands learning. 


Differentiation techniques and accommodations

Check for understating: Questions, prompts, and cues can allow them to truly see if students understand what they have set out to learn. 

  • Match vocabulary words to definitions.
  • Read a passage of text and answer questions related to the passage.

Plan for student feedback

Let the students evaluate themselves using a matrix and discuss their self-evaluation and provide feedback.



Summative Assessment

Definition and purpose of summative assessments in instructional planning

Summative Assessments are given to determine what students know and do not know. It is a point when student learning relative to content standards. This helps the teacher plan there class instructionally.

Examples of summative assessments (not paper-based)

Accountability for Schools (AYP) Data

  • creative portfolio



Purpose of summative assessment in instructional planning

Summative assessments are an essential benchmark to check the progress of students, schools and the educational system that our students are a part of.


Differentiation techniques and accommodations

Have the students match vocabulary word to the correct definitions?

Read a story and answer related questions.

Create a PowerPoint presentation summarizing the lesson. 

Plan for student feedback

 The data indicates and provides information for the students and the parents. It identifies the gaps between student knowledge and learning targets.

Potential bias and how it can be minimized

As a teacher we must gather information about student learning in order to better understand student learning. The better we can adjust instruction we can achieve in all areas. 



Black, P., Harrison, C., Lee, C., Marshall, B., & William, D. (2003) Assessment for Learning: Putting it into practice. Berkshire,       England: Open University Press.


Sadler, D.R. (1998) Formative assessment: revisiting the territory. Assessment in Education, 5(1), 77-84.


Essay Sample Content Preview:
Lesson Plan
Institution Affiliation:
Section 1: Lesson Preparation
Student Teacher Name:

Grade’s Level:



English Language Arts

Instruction Plan:

Lesson Summary and Focus:

The lesson aims to sharpen the learners reading comprehension. Besides, there is an assessment of the learners' level of grammar use. Lastly, there is a testing of the learners' ability to spell technical words correctly.

Classroom and Student Factors/Grouping:

The students get placed in groups of five based on their abilities according to performance in the last summative assessment. Accordingly, each group has a gifted learner. The lesson progresses from basic terms to technical terms to accommodate all students since they have different learning capabilities.

National/State Learning Standards:

The teacher assigns every group a specific comprehension where the members are to read in turns. The teacher actively listens and corrects the students who do not read the passage according to the various punctuation marks portrayed in their tonal variation. Lastly, the teacher dictates some words that the students write down; then, I mark to check on the spelling.

Specific Learning Target(s)/Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, the students should write the correct spelling of specific ten vocabularies dictated out.
By the end of the lesson, the students should read aloud a comprehension passage while following the punctuation marks in their tonal variation.

Academic Language

Ten vocabularies to teach:
* Ethos
* Eschew
* Optimist
* Suppress
* Shoddy
* Reverent
* Probe
* Gauge
* Severity
* Reliance
The teacher first dictates the vocabulary so that students can write them down. After that, the teacher checks the work and then presents a comprehension passage that contains the words for students to read aloud. Then, the teacher gives the students the meaning of the vocabularies from their use in the context.

Resources, Materials, Equipment, and Technology:

The resources required are a whiteboard, marker pen, projector, and a laptop.

Section 2: Instructional Planning
Anticipatory Set
I will project the previous vocabularies learned in the last class in a slide format so that students first give their meaning before displaying the answers sequentially. After that, I will ask the students their understanding of the word dictation and present some of its usefulness in the projector to awaken students' interests. Then I will begin the dictation of the ten vocabularies and mark the work.
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