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Legacy of the One-room Schoolhouse on the Teaching profession: Summary

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3 Attachments will be sent via email and will include: (from admin: once the order is taken - we will email the writer the third file as it is over 50 Mb nd is in the e-mail) 1. Textbook pages (Supervision and Instructional Leadership by Glickman, Gordon & Ross-Gordon) 2. Sample Calcoast essay 3. Writing assignment instructions and assessment form. PLEASE LET KNOW IF ANY OF THE ATTACHMENTS ARE MISSING. THE TEXT PAGES ARE CRUCIAL. Authors discuss 10 characteristics of the one-room schoolhouse: Isolation; Psychological Dilemma and Frustration;Inadequate Induction of Beginning Teachers(which includes resources, difficult work assignments, unclear expectations, sink-or-swim mentality, reality shock & effects of environmental difficulties);Inequity; Unstaged Career; Lack of Dialogue About Instruction; Lack of Involvement in Schoolwide Curriculum and Instructional Decisions; Lack of Shared Technical Culture; and Conservatism.
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Legacy of the One-room Schoolhouse on the Teaching profession: Summary
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In the legacy of the one room schoolhouse, the author is bringing back or reflecting on the memories of the one room schoolhouse where one teacher was responsible for teaching the whole class. The same teacher was expected to maintain the structure of the building, ensuring the floor cleanness, and ensuring that the school eatery was in order. This according to the author made the teaching profession a manual labor and that the teaching profession was far from being a noble profession at that time. The author observes that it is important to understand the legacy of the one room school house since there are many aspects that were prevalent in such times and which are still existing today in the school system. Some of the aspects that are still exant include privatization of teaching, independence, and the aspect of isolation. According to the author, these factors had a negative impact on teaching.
During the one room schoolhouse era, a teacher was expected to ensure that everything in the school compound was in order. This made the collective action in the school to be automatic. The author goes on to explain that the one-room schoolhouses can be seen in many school corridors today. In addition, teachers still view learners within the classroom walls and consider the school as his or hers. These are some of the aspects, which make the one room schoolhouse to be still rife in many people’s minds.
Some of the negative factors associated with the earlier one schoolhouse system include: isolation, routine, psychological dilemmas, in-sufficient induction of newly recruited educators, lack of career phases, lack of being engaged in school decisions, conservatism, as well as lack of technical shared culture. These factors, which can still be depicted in many school cultures in today’s perspective, according to the author, only help in thwarting the minds and perceptions of school administrators and teachers. This, therefore, makes necessary for an initiation of novel school cultures that consider collective beliefs instead of such aspects as isolation and cultures that are more purposeful and which takes into consideration teachers, the school and students. The subsequent part is a discussion of how some of the aspects derived from the One-room Schoolhouse era are still rife in today’s perspective.
Although Individualism and isolation was a phenomena associated with One-room Schoolhouse era, it is still a common feature in to today’s perspective. Using Dreeben’s (1973) observation to make his point, the author says that classrooms and school structures are still spatially scattered in many place...
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