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Learning Theories and Teaching Styles: Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development

Essay Instructions:

Write a 2- to 3-page paper exploring how the critical ideas of a chosen theorist are impacted by or impacting (positively or negatively) a current contextual issue in learning and schooling.

Choose one of the five theorists you studied this week and a key concept of his/her work that you want to consider.

Identify a topical issue that is relevant to learning today (e.g., one-to-one technology, poverty, standards such as the Common Core, anti-bullying programs). Explore how the theorist’s work does or does not align with current trends and directions in your chosen area. Be sure to think critically about whether or not the theory “holds up” to the work being done today. Perhaps the theory is out of date or perhaps educators are headed in a direction that does not make sense given what is known about learning and development. Be sure to consider how the diversity of the modern classroom may impact your thinking about your chosen topic.

The focus of the paper is your analysis of the issue. It should include your insights and your critique of the topic. Make a persuasive case for your exploration and be sure to use research to support your arguments.

Support your statements with evidence from the required studies and your research. Cite and reference your sources in APA style.

The authors are below:


Personality Theories: Jean Piaget (Boeree, 2006b) [Web page]

Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development (Huitt & Hummel, 2003) [Web page]

Piaget’s Developmental Theory: An Overview (Davidson Films, 2010) [Video] [Closed captioned]


Social Development Theory (Culatta, 2013) [Web page]

Comments on Vygotsky’s Critical Remarks Concerning The Language and Thought of the Child, and Judgment and Reasoning in the Child (Piaget, 1962) [Web page]

Lev Vygotsky (McLeod, 2014) [Web page]

Lev Vygotsky and Social Learning Theories (Neff, n.d.) [Web page]

Vygotskian Approach: Lev Vygotsky (Tools of the Mind, n.d.) [Web page]


Erik Erikson (McLeod, 2013) [Web page]

Personality Theories: Erik Erikson (Boeree, 2006a) [Web page]

Moral Development

The Stages of Moral Reasoning (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, n.d.) [Web page]

The Cognitive-Developmental Stages of Moral Education (Kohlberg, 1988) [PDF]

Note: Read section 88, pages 597-614

Kohlberg’s Stages of Moral Development (Crain, 1985) [PDF]

Carol Gilligan on Women and Moral Development (Big Think, 2012) [Video] [Closed captioned]

Gilligan-Kohlberg Controversy and Preliminary Conclusion (Kakkori & Huttunen, n.d.) [Web page]

Moral Development: Lawrence Kohlberg and Carol Gilligan (Maxwell, 2014) [Web page]


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Learning Theories and Teaching Styles
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Course Title:
Learning Theories and Teaching Styles: Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development
One topical issue that is relevant to learning today is certainly the use of one-on-one technology in the classroom. Using Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development, this paper explores how this theory aligns with current trends and directions in the area of one-on-one technology. The paper also explains whether or not this theory holds up to the work being done these days.
Improving education is, and has always been, a significant issue in the United States. Factors such as test scores have served to push education to the forefront of national politics. The technology could be utilized in improving learning and teaching and assist learners to be successful (Tondeur et al., 2015). The use of one-on-one technology to teach could enhance student learning by supporting instructional goals. Jean Piaget’s theory effectively aligns with the use of one-on-one technology in the classroom. This theory describes how children build a mental model of the world. His stage theory outlines children’s cognitive development. Cognitive development, as Huitt and Hummel (2003) pointed out, entails changes not just in cognitive process, but also in abilities.
By observing children, Jean Piaget was able to develop a theory of intellectual development which comprised 4 different stages. In the Sensorimotor Stage/Birth to 2 Years, the infant constructs knowledge of the world. He/she does so by coordinating experiences with physical interactions with objects. The child experiences the world through senses and movement (Huitt & Hummel, 2003). In the Preoperational Stage 2 – 7 years of Age, the child increases in pretending and play. However, the child cannot see things from different viewpoints. Egocentrism starts strongly before weakening. The child is not able to utilize logical thinking or to converse (Boeree, 2006). The Concrete Operatio...
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