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The objective of the study, the sample and the instrument used

Essay Instructions:

1. State objective of study, the sample and the instrument used. ( 1 page)

2. What is the main findings of the study? (1.5 pages)

3. What conclusion did the researchers make? (0.5 page)

Read the article "Balance and motor skills among preschool children aged 3 to 4 years old" by Devinder Kaur Ajit Singh, Not Najwatul Akmal An Rahman, Eisler Rajikan, Asfarina Zainudin, Nor Azlin Mohd Nordin, Zainura Abdul Karim and Yeap Hui Yee Education Essay

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Research Analysis
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The objective of the study, the sample and the instrument used
The research indicated that both balance and motor skills are important developmental components for the physical development of the child. The main focus of the researchers was the measurement of anthropometrics, the balance and motor skills of the children. It also concentrated on evaluating their correlation among the healthy preschool children (Singh et al., 2015).
Children acquire most of their skills normally during their preschool development stage. Both motor skills and balance skills are highly important as milestones in the development process of the child. These skills are typically further improved during more complex movements such as during running and jumping. Any impairment in motor and balance skills for the child can increase the dangers of falls and injuries during sports.
The competency in children concerning both motor and balance depends on numerous factors. These include the motor ability which has been demonstrated to be significantly higher in a child that is physically active, a small body mass index and not sedentary (Singh et al., 2015). In a similar instance, boys with increased motor performance display a faster time and further distances in running. This huge difference during the onset of puberty can be associated with the consistent motor performance levels in children aged thirteen years old.
The sample of the research was forty-nine healthy preschool children ranging from three to four years old. These students participated from PERMATA preschool organization. In regards to balance, age, height and weight, these were reported to have moderately correlated with the Pediatric Balance Scale score (Singh et al., 2015). However, the body mass index was not strongly correlated with the Pediatric Balance Scale score.
There was a higher variability rate on their Pediatric Balance Scale score in younger children. Previously, most researchers highlighted that young girls had mastered the balance exams efficiently while boys scored highly in dribbling assessments. Even though it has been determined that older children will perform exceptionally in balance assessments, there is no consistent correlation on the link between anthropometric information and the balance skills of preschool children (Singh et al., 2015).
The researchers indicated that there was no factual information concerning the motor skills and balance skills of Malaysian children in the preschool development stage. Motor development is highly different due to the various backgrounds of the participants. Additionally, no factual information was present that showed the correlation between the anthropometric data and the analyzed developmental characteristics of the children. Therefore the objective of the researchers here was to quantify the postural balance, the motor skills and the anthropometric measures.
The Peabody Development Motor Scale 2nd edition was utilized in measuring the balance skills for the fine and gross motor skills. The researchers carried out a cross-sectional study at the Universities in Malaysia. The participants were mainly healthy preschool children with ages ranging from three to four years old (Singh et al., 2015). They were recruited from PERMATA preschools. The researchers utilized the Pediatric Balance scale. The children were excluded from the study if they were younger than three years old and older than four years old. Some were also eliminated if they were not able to follow instructions in English Mandarin or Malaysian. Also, those that were diagnosed with an illness by a pediatrician were not included. The demographics of the parents and children were documented and recorded.
Main findings of the study
The gross motor skills and fine motor skills were analyzed using seven tests from the Peabody Developmental Motor Scale 2nd Edition. This included standing on tiptoe, tests involving running, speed and agility, touching fingers and also buttoning and unbuttoning. These tests were done only based on the purchased protocol (Singh et al., 2015). These exams were suitable in assessing the motor skills level of children from zero to eighty here months and are also reported to assist in the detection of small adjustments and changes in their motor development.
It was also highlighted that the Pediatric Balance Scale was feasible to be used here. Future similar research should make considerations on testing the reliability of Pediatric Balance Scale on such children (Singh et al., 2015). The Spearman correlation exam was utilized in assessing the data as the provided data in the study was not distributed normally. The height of the subjects was positively correlated with their weight, which means that shorter children had minor body weight. The height was associated with the complete score ...
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