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Assessment of a Preoperational and a Concrete Operational Thinker

Essay Instructions:

1. To prove Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development, he used simple but ingenious experiments. The task is to conduct some of these experiments among a group of selected children.

2. Data collected from 2 children ( 5 years old and 7 years old) and compare their thought processes by recording and interpreting their responses to 3 types of conservation tasks in view of Piaget's Theory. DATA COLLECTED AS WRITTEN DIALOGUES BETWEEN THE RESEARCHER AND 2 CHILDREN AS UPLOADED.

3. Conclusion: (3pages)

sample questions you may use:

- Are these differences between the performances of the younger and older child on these tasks? Why do you think?

- What do you now understand about a child's thought processes that you were unaware of before?

- What was the child successful at? Why was the child successful at these behaviors?

- What activities gave the child problems? What frustrated the child?

- Based on the answer, is your Research Questions answered?

- Does your study support Piaget's Theory?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Assessment of a Preoperational and a Concrete Operational Thinker
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Assessment of a Preoperational and a Concrete Operational Thinker
Data collection
The conservation tasks were conducted on 14 Jun 2018 and 29 Jun 2018 respectively at XYZ Kindergarten. The reason I performed these tasks separately is Max, a 7 years old boy who attending the primary school, he is not from my kindergarten. So, I had to carry out these tasks during the school holiday. Whereas Noel is a 5 years old boy who attending the kindergarten. These conservation tasks were carried out on a small classroom desk in a classroom. More specifically, these conservation tasks were administered to an energetic and intelligent Sino-active boy and an outgoing and rambunctious Chinese boy. The location, items involved or the situation of the transformation, all questions and procedures were identical in each child’s case. No pre-test and post-test or training was administered prior to these tasks.
Conservation of Quantity
Ten separate identical buttons (yellow and red buttons) were used. In this task, I arranged and spaced evenly one row of 10 red buttons on the small table and a pile of matching series yellow buttons was placed in front of the child. Then I asked the child to make an identical yellow buttons row with the red buttons set, so there were 2 identical rows of different coloured buttons on the small table.
1 Can you tell me if the yellow buttons row has more or the red buttons row has more or they are the same number?”
Both children said the buttons were the same.
2 Why did you say they are the same number?
There was a difference in the justification of the answer. For a moment, Max hesitated before starting to count the yellow buttons first and continued to count the red ones too. I was to conclude that there are both 10 yellow and 10 red buttons, he interrupted by saying they are of the same amount. For Noel she just answered directly that there are 10 buttons in each row.
In the next step of this task, I rearranged the buttons by spreading the red buttons and placing them further apart from each other.
3 Now, can you tell me if the red buttons row has more or the yellow buttons row has more, or they have the same amount?
Here the answers differed. Max said they had the same amount while Noel claimed that the red row had more. To justify his answer, he said that the were the same amount of ten as they were in the beginning. On the other hand, Noel justified his answer by saying that the red one was longer.
Conservation of Liquid
In this task I presented Two identical short and fat glasses containing an equal amount of different coloured (blue and red) liquid to the children. I asked them whether the two glasses had the same amount of liquid. Then I adjusted the volume until the children confirmed that the two glasses contained equal amount of liquid. I proceeded to the next step by taking a taller and thinner glass and emptied the red liquid into it.
1 Now, can you tell me do they have the same amount of liquid, or the red coloured liquid has more, or the blue coloured liquid has more?”
Both children said that both glasses had the same amount of liquid. In response to the same question but with a thinner and taller glass, the answers differed, According to Max, the liquid was of the same amount by arguing that I had taken the liquid from the smaller glass and poured it into the bugger glass without spilling or adding any. Noel argued that the red liquid in the taller and thinner glass was more because the glass was taller.
Conservation of Liquid
I prepared a piece of plasticine and was broken into 2 equal pieces. I asked the child if the 2 pieces of plasticine are the same size or had same amount. Then I proceeded to the next step. In the intentional condition, I directed his attention by rolling one of the pieces of plasticine and stretched it longer. After that, I asked the child again whether the 2 pieces of plasticine are the same size / amount, or either one has more.
Both children said that the 2 pieces of plasticine were of the same size. However, there answers differed after rolling and stretching one piece. Max said that it was of the same size because I had just rolled it making it longer. On the other hand, Noel said that the rolled and stretched one had more because it was longer.
Preoperational and concrete oper...
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