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Learning Journal And The Learning Experience Writing

Essay Instructions:

Rationale: There is considerable evidence that reflection after a learning activity helps to deepen the learning experience. This activity is an opportunity for you to reflect on, clarify, describe, and deepen your understanding of ideas, concepts, tools, and issues contained the readings, and in the classroom activities and discussions. Description: There are five (5) reading sets (collections of articles and handouts) available on the course Google Drive Web site. For this project, you are asked to create (using Microsoft Word) four written, ‘learning journals' based on four different reading sets (reading set #1 + reading set #2 + two other reading sets of your choice), as well as on the in-class presentations, discussions, and activities. Note: Reading sets usually contain more than one .PDF file (e.g., reading set #1 = #1a + 1b + 1c + 1d + 1e).  The first learning journal should be based on reading set #1 (#1a, 1b, 1c, 1d, and 1e).  The second learning journal should be based on reading set #2 (#2a, 2b, 2c, and 2d). Purpose: The main purpose of these learning journals is not to regurgitate facts to the instructor, but to reflect upon the readings, and to create understanding and meaning for yourself and for your professional practice. Directions: Each journal should be a minimum of 500 words in length. For each journal, you are asked to think about and record your personal reflections, using the headings provided below: 1. Key Learnings & A-Ha's  Please list and describe your key learnings from the readings and/or the in-class presentations or activities. What new ideas/concepts stood out to you as being particularly important? What new ideas were ‘A-Ha's' for you? Please list and describe—in a numbered list—at least five (5) key learnings and A-Ha's. 2. Potentials  How might various ideas, concepts, activities, and/or skills that you learned be useful in the future? What are some possible applications in your own classroom or professional practice? Please list and describe—in a numbered list—at least five (5) potentials. 3. Questions or Concerns  What questions or concerns do you have about any topic or tool presented in the readings or in the in-class presentations or activities? Please list and describe—in a numbered list—at least three (3) questions or concerns. Format:  Each journal should be written in full sentence format throughout.  Each section of your journal should have a heading (underlined) followed by a line space.  Please list your ideas in numbered lists and in paragraph format—but no long blocks of text. Sentences should be grouped into small paragraphs, with each paragraph separated by a line space.  Please explain your ideas with examples—One sentence is seldom sufficient to explain an ideaRationale: There is considerable evidence that reflection after a learning activity helps to deepen the learning experience. This activity is an opportunity for you to reflect on, clarify, describe, and deepen your understanding of ideas, concepts, tools, and issues contained the readings, and in the classroom activities and discussions. Description: There are five (5) reading sets (collections of articles and handouts) available on the course Google Drive Web site. For this project, you are asked to create (using Microsoft Word) four written, ‘learning journals' based on four different reading sets (reading set #1 + reading set #2 + two other reading sets of your choice), as well as on the in-class presentations, discussions, and activities. Note: Reading sets usually contain more than one .PDF file (e.g., reading set #1 = #1a + 1b + 1c + 1d + 1e).  The first learning journal should be based on reading set #1 (#1a, 1b, 1c, 1d, and 1e).  The second learning journal should be based on reading set #2 (#2a, 2b, 2c, and 2d). Purpose: The main purpose of these learning journals is not to regurgitate facts to the instructor, but to reflect upon the readings, and to create understanding and meaning for yourself and for your professional practice. Directions: Each journal should be a minimum of 500 words in length. For each journal, you are asked to think about and record your personal reflections, using the headings provided below: 1. Key Learnings & A-Ha's  Please list and describe your key learnings from the readings and/or the in-class presentations or activities. What new ideas/concepts stood out to you as being particularly important? What new ideas were ‘A-Ha's' for you? Please list and describe—in a numbered list—at least five (5) key learnings and A-Ha's. 2. Potentials  How might various ideas, concepts, activities, and/or skills that you learned be useful in the future? What are some possible applications in your own classroom or professional practice? Please list and describe—in a numbered list—at least five (5) potentials. 3. Questions or Concerns  What questions or concerns do you have about any topic or tool presented in the readings or in the in-class presentations or activities? Please list and describe—in a numbered list—at least three (3) questions or concerns. Format:  Each journal should be written in full sentence format throughout.  Each section of your journal should have a heading (underlined) followed by a line space.  Please list your ideas in numbered lists and in paragraph format—but no long blocks of text. Sentences should be grouped into small paragraphs, with each paragraph separated by a line space.  Please explain your ideas with examples—One sentence is seldom sufficient to explain an idea

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Joining Together
The article is quite informative on decision making processes and methods. There are some important aspects that come up from reading with reference to making decisions in groups.
1 It is important to note a group has a number of ways that they can make decisions, relative to the objectives they have to achieve.
2 There are different situations that will require the group of the leaders to come up with custom methods. These could be in isolation or in a group.
3 At the organization level there are quite a number of flexible element that determine how a decision is made such as the objectives, resources and even aspects such as time. As such different organizations will have different approaches.
4 Different groups will have different structures and this is ultimately going to affect the way that they make their decisions. Aspects such as power and authority determine the decision methods applied by any given group.
5 Ever decision made is part of a positive and negative system were the group weighs out the benefits and the demerits of the same in the short and long run along with the objectives.
1 Making decisions is going to be more informed and fluid
Given the information gathered, making decisions in the future is going to be much easier given the level of understanding of the processes and the methods
2 Flexibility in decision making
In the future, these element of flexibility is going to be quite handy. This is relative to the fact that, after understanding the various methods of making decisions in a group, it is now easier to understand which are most effective and the best combinations depending on the situation.
3 Faster decision making processes
In the future, there is also the element of making decisions much faster given the element of understanding now involved and developed.
4 Combining different methods
It is possible to apply more than one method in the decision ma...
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