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Learning About Different Abilities and Fairness

Essay Instructions:

The journal entries will consist of reflections on the readings (Learning About Different Abilities & Fairness” (Chapter 10 pp. 125-134) from Anti-Bias Education for Young Children and Ourselves) while connecting the readings to your own experience, professional role as an educator, and self-reflective practices. Some questions that you will consider as you write your journals are:

• ● What is a fragment of the reading that resonated with you?

• ● What feelings arise with the reading?

• ● What are some connections that you have made as you were reading?

• ● How does this text reinforce or challenge my existing ideas or assumptions?

• ● How will you take care of yourself as you process these feelings and

topics?/What are some next steps for you?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Journal Entry #3: Learning about Different Abilities and Fairness
Course Number and Name
Instructor’s Name
Student’s Name
Journal Entry #4: Learning about Different Abilities and Fairness
As an educator, it is essential to acknowledge that children have disparate abilities. These disparities manifest themselves either physically, emotionally, or cognitively. Children with mental or physical disabilities, once they become aware of their conditions, tend to demonstrate discomfort and rejection (Derman-Sparks & Edwards, 2010). In such situations, educators must employ special skills to fully incorporate them into all class activities to make them comfortable. I found chapter 10 (Leaning about Different Abilities and Fairness) of the book by Derman-Sharks and Edwards (2010) quite helpful as an educator. This is because it entails insights into how to handle children with disabilities. The chapter also highlights ways in which educators can help such children achieve their full potential.
The fragment of this critical chapter that resonated with me most is how to foster an inclusive learning environment for all children. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requires that all children with disabilities should be accorded the opportunity to learn in regular classrooms to the greatest possible extent (Derman-Sparks & Edwards, 2010). In such an anti-bias environment, educators nurture all children equitably and ensure that each child is responsible for the learning and well-being of everyone. I found the fragment relevant because it outlines how educators should conduct themselves when they have children with disabilities in their classrooms. For instance, it provides guidelines on how to choose words carefully. It also advises educators to encourage children to share their thoughts and feelings.
Reading this chapter helped me evaluate and analyze my overall performance as an educator who has handled children with disabilities. Upon completing the evaluation, a sense of overwhelming pride engulfed me. I realized I had fared considerably well in creating a conducive learning environment. I have also quenched the curiosity of children regarding disab...
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