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Intervention Plan to Address Appropriate Replacement Behaviors

Essay Instructions:

See attached chapter and presentation


Based on the case study, Roland, which can be found on page 156, answer the following questions:

1. Design an in-depth intervention plan to address Roland’s behavior. Be sure the intervention matches the function of his behavior. In other words, the intervention should, in part at least, allow Roland to achieve the same function as he currently achieves though the challenging behavior. Your plan should also address what will happen if/when the challenging behavior does occur.

2. Finally, in addition to addressing appropriate replacement behaviors and the supports for those behaviors, describe how you would change antecedent and/or consequence conditions so that you can prevent Roland from engaging in challenging behavior. Create an ABC chart depicting your changes.

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Intervention Plan for Roland
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Intervention Plan for Roland
In addition to the ABC observation conducted by the assistants, it would be advisable to conduct a thorough functional behavior assessment (FBA) to gather data on Roland's challenging behaviors and their triggers. This will help us understand the function of his behaviors. After an FBZ, it would be advisable to teach Roland appropriate replacement behaviors that serves same function as his challenging behaviors. Since Roland seeks attention and control, it is important to teach him to seek attention and control through positive means, such as initiating appropriate conversations, leading group activities, or taking on responsibilities within the classroom. In addition, the classroom environment should be modified to prevent Roland from engaging in challenging behavior. To this end, the classroom environment should provide Roland with opportunities to work individually with a teacher or allow him to be directly in charge or in control of activities more frequently. This will align the environment with his preferred conditions and increase the likelihood of appropriate behavior.
Further, it is essential to adjust the consequences of Roland's behavior to reinforce appropriate behaviors while reducing reinforcement for challenging behaviors. Differential reinforcement by providing positive reinforcement (e.g., praise, tokens, privileges) should be used when Roland engages in appropriate behaviors, especially when seeking attention and control through positive means. When he engages in challenging behaviors, planned ignoring should be practices with the attention redirected to appropriate behaviors being exhibited by him or other students. Additionally, if Roland becomes overwhelmed during an activity, he will be offered brief, structured breaks to regroup and then reinforced for returning and engaging appropriately.
Roland could also benefit from social skills training. To this end, the teacher should help Roland develop appropriate conversational skills. The focus of the training should be on teaching Roland how to engage in conversations without resorting to inappropriate sexual, racial, or violent comments. Role-playing and modeling appropriate interactions can be effective strategies that should be used in the social skills training. The social skills training should be combined with a training on effective communication and self-advocacy skills. That is, it is essential to help Roland express his needs, preferences, and frustrations without resorting to profanity or threats. The training should provide alternative strategies for Roland to negotiate tasks and express concerns using assertive language.
To ensure the effectiveness of the proposed intervention plan, it should be a collaborative effort. Regular meetings with Roland, Ms. Schneider, instructional assistants, and other relevant team members should be used collab...
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