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Compares And Contrasts The Inter Relatedness Of Infants Temperament

Essay Instructions:

Infants and Social/Emotional Development

Instructions for the Written Assignment

Beginning with Chapter 6 in your text and after visiting the links below, write an essay (3-5 pages of writing + a reference page) that compares and contrasts the inter relatedness of infants’ temperament, attachment, and parental behavior that sets the tone for socioemotional well-being throughout childhood.

Benoit, D., & Madigan, S. (2010). Attachment Part Four: Caregiver and child influences on attachment.

( http://www(dot)aboutkidshealth(dot)ca/En/News/Series/Attachment/Pages/attachment-part-four-parent-and-child-influences-on-attachment.aspx)

Colin, V. (1991). Infant Attachment: What We Know Now.


Allard, L., & Hunter, A. (2010). Understanding Temperament in Infants and Toddlers.)


Note: For all written assignments, please be sure to apply the assigned module readings, cite as needed throughout the writing as you apply the readings, and provide a reference page at the end. Always apply additional scholarly resources (at least two) (e.g., current journal articles; scholarly websites).

For all written assignments please follow this format to effectively organize and to ensure you have covered all criteria:

• Begin with an Introduction heading

• Create a subheading for each criteria from the directions

• End with a Conclusion heading

• Add a Reference page.

Your written assignments are intended to test your understanding of important concepts and discover how to sharpen your intellectual skills of analysis, synthesis, evaluation, and application. They are also intended to provide opportunities to more fully describe, explain, and analyze your ideas. For assistance on finding Library Resources and Academic Integrity review the resources available to you.

Your assignment is expected to be well written using APA style and organized, with proper sentence structure, citations, and spellchecked.

course : child development introductory

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Infants and Socio-Emotional Development
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Infants and Socio-Emotional Development
Early infant attachment is an important aspect that lays the foundation for a healthy child development. It is a basis for relating with others intimately‚ in addition to children and spouses. Infant’s temperament‚ refers to the activity level‚ adaptability‚ persistence‚ mood‚ withdrawal/ approach‚ intensity‚ and sensory threshold including distractibility (Gallitto, 2015). Attachment refers to persistent emotional bond, which is marked by the propensity to seek and preserve closeness to a certain figure‚ especially during stressful circumstances (Gembeck et al., 2015). Accordingly, this paper elaborates the similarities and differences of the inter relatedness of infants’ temperament‚ attachment‚ and the parental behavior that determines the character of the child’s socio- emotional well- being through his/ her childhood.
Attachment‚ Temperament‚ Parental Behavior and Child’s Socio-Emotional Well- Being
The way in which an infant is used to the response of the caregiver‚ in seasons of anguish‚ is one of the most essential factors in the significance progress of attachment. The theory that illustrates attachment shows that a relation of love, which is the first relationship and uppermost important‚ creates long- lasting results on his/ her future development (Powell et al., 2013). Exclusive‚ undivided and complete closeness to whomever that offers attachment leaves an assurance of protection and feeling of a sense of being secured. This gives those who offer the attachment a task to make sure they make a good foundation for the infants.
One of the ways in which the attachment providers may lay a good foundation is by making sure they are able to form other various relationships that are secure‚ have a routine to seek support when it is needed‚ and extract some strength from particular support, which is given at any particular time or period. The attachment provider who is constantly available‚ very observant‚ keen and responds instantly or consistently to the needs of the baby forms the foundation for an attachment that is secure (Powell et al., 2013). He/ she also form a basis for conspicuous and helpful competence in observing the environment and developing various other essential relations Development and improvement of the child’s self- esteem occurs in the process (Tsao, 2015)
Those who give the needed attachment also have a great responsibility; this is because they help in setting points for social interactions with new people‚ and partners. These have consequences that last long‚ and they also shape ones disposition‚ develop close relations and organizing behavior. However‚ the same theory illustrates that‚ there may be more conflicting models of attachment relationship, which are internal‚ apart from one, gained through experience. The other may develop as a result of a parent’s careful and intelligently sorted input‚ these inputs include statements that fail to support experience (Gembeck et al., 2015).
. The attachment providers who promote disorganized attachment in their infants in whichever stage‚ may lead to difficulty in relieving distress (Schore, 2015). This is because‚ themselves are a source of fear to the infant. This theory has some evidence whereby‚ frightened or exclusively insensitive behaviors from the caregiver‚ have been found to be of significance in caregivers of those infants found to have an attachment that is disorganized.
An infant’s temperament‚ play part in setting of attachment behavior. It sets up the way in which a child faces and responds to various situations in the world. It also affects the way he/ she interact with those around the environment she is raised in. Temperaments vary from one ...
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