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ECS 110 Research Assignment Paper: Chapter 6 Forum

Essay Instructions:

This week please respond to two of the following prompts in the forum. Then respond to at least two posts from other students.
McIntosh's article is almost 30 years old. Sometimes people feel that is no longer relevant. Yet it continues to be discussed in academic and activist circles. Why do you think that it?
Which ideas from the Solomon et al. article do you find helpful in thinking about your own experience of racialization and privilege? Which challenged you?
How did you come to be racialized? That is how did you come to understand your own race as part of your identity? Share a specific example or story.
What is something from this week's content would you like to discuss further? Pose a question to your classmates.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Chapter six Forum
Chapter six Forum
Peggy McIntosh’s article remains relevant in the academic and activists circles due to various reasons. First, the author was the first person to start writing about the white privilege as a concept from a personal perspective in the late eighties. In her 1988 work, White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack, the author identified fifty examples of white privileges which were common during the tie and remain to be relevant in the contemporary society. Second, the current society still talks about the white privilege in many aspects of life; in this perspective, one would like to discover the origin of the concept which can be traced back to Peggy McIntosh’s list of white privilege.
The ideas from Solomon et al. (2005) that are helpful in shaping my views on racialization and privilege are ideological incongruence and the negative white capital. The ideological congruence is common where people are involved in supporting a particular stance and fails to recognize the efforts that are in place to address the ideology. The negative capital occurs when a person opposes the systems of white privilege. The challenge was on the liberalism notions of individualism and meritocracy which according to Solomon et al. (2005), it relates to the invocation of someone’s’ hard work and determination.
Something that I would like to discuss further is the...
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