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Instructional Planning for Grade Three Mathematics

Essay Instructions:

Assessment Description

Data should drive instruction and, as a best practice, teachers should gather formal and informal data before, during, and after every lesson. This is especially important when integrating cross-curricular content into English language arts (ELA) lessons. Students who face learning challenges related to literacy skills often have similar struggles in other content areas such as math, social studies, and science. Since students’ reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills and abilities vary widely in all classrooms, it is important to identify how poor literacy skills can negatively affect performance in other curricular areas and select intervention, remediation, and differentiation strategies that can be applied across disciplines. This can support teachers in meeting the unique literacy needs of each student and help them work toward becoming proficient in literacy and more successful in all the content areas.

Carefully review the data for each student in the “SPD-581 Class Profile.” Assume the students in the “Class Profile” are in the grade level that you are most interested in teaching. Using the data from the “Class Profile,” complete the “SPD-581 Cross-Curricular Unit Plan” template as directed.

While APA Style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.

Benchmark Information

This benchmark assignment assesses the following programmatic competencies and professional standards:

MED in Elementary/Special Education (ITL/NITL/NV); MED Mild/Moderate Special Education

5.1: Consider individual abilities, interests, learning environments, and cultural and linguistic factors in the selection, development, and adaptation of learning experiences for individuals with exceptionalities. [CEC 5.1, ICSI.5.S8, ICSI.5.S15, IGC.5.K1, IGC.5.S7, IGC.5.S23, IGC.5.S24; InTASC 1(b), 2(d), 5(f), 6(v), 8(s), 9(h); MC2, MC3, MC4, MC5]

5.4: Use strategies to enhance the language development and communication skills of individuals with exceptionalities. [CEC 5.4, ICSI.5.K2, ICSI.5.S19, IGC.5.S13, IGC.5.S14, IGC.5.S16, IGC.5.S17, IGC.5.S18, IGC.5.S19, IGC.5.S23, IGC.5.S24; InTASC 2(e); TPE 1.6, 3.5, 4.4, 4.7, 5.7; MC1, MC4]

5.7: Teach cross-disciplinary knowledge and skills such as critical thinking and problem-solving to individuals with exceptionalities. [CEC 5.7, ICSI.5.S14, ICSI.5.S15, ICSI.5.S16, IGC.5.S3, IGC.5.S10; InTASC 5(a), 7(h); TPE 1.5, 3.3; MC1, MC2, MC4]

MED in Elementary/Special Education (ITL/NITL/NV)

4.1: Select and use technically sound formal and informal assessments that minimize bias. [CEC 4.1, ICSI.4.K1, ICSI.4.K2, ICSI.4.K4. ICSI.4.S1, ICSI.4.S5, ICSI.4.S2, ICSI.4.S8, IGC.4.K1, IGC.4.K3, IGC.4.S1, IGC.4.S2, IGC.4.S3, IGC.4.S4; InTASC 6(a), 6(b), 6(h), 6(j), 6(k); TPE 5.1; MC2, MC3, MC5]

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Benchmark - Cross-Curricular Unit Plan
Students Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Code and Name
Instructors Name
Benchmark - Cross-Curricular Unit Plan
SPD-581 Cross-Curricular Unit Plan
Section 1: Instructional Planning
Grade Level: 3

Content Area: Mathematics

Unit Title: Addition and Subtraction

Lesson Titles

Lesson Summaries

Lesson 1: Two-digit addition

Students should be able to add two digits.

Lesson 2: Three-digit addition

Students should use the two-digit addition strategy in three-digit addition.

Lesson 3: expanded notation in addition

Students will use the expanded notation method to add three- and two-digit problems.

Lesson 4: standard algorithm in addition

Students will use the standard algorithm method to add three- and two-digit problems.

Lesson 5: Introduction to subtraction

Students should be able to work on two-digit subtractions.

Classroom Factors: The major classroom factor affecting teaching, planning, and assessing students is the presence of English learners and non-learners. It will determine how easy the students understand math concepts.

Student Factors/Grouping: The classroom has gifted students and others with special needs. Each student’s needs would be considered during the planning, assessment and teaching processes.

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

State Literacy Standards
List specific grade-level literacy standards that are the focus of the unit.

CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.3.NBT. A.2Adding numbers within 1000.

CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.3.NBT. A.2Adding numbers within 1000.

CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.3.NBT. A.2Adding numbers within 1000.

CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.3.NBT. A.2Adding numbers within 1000.

CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.3.NBT. A.2Subtracting numbers within 1000.

State Cross-Curricular Standards
Select one content area standard (math, science, or social studies) as the focus of the unit.

Teaching vocabulary through English

Teaching vocabulary through English

Teaching vocabulary through English

Teaching vocabulary through English

Teaching vocabulary through English

Learning Objectives
Develop a unique learning objective for each daily lesson.
Objectives should scaffold learning from lesson to lesson and align to the state literacy and cross-curricular standards.

Students to add two digits within 1000.

Students to add three digits within 1000.

Students to use the expanded notation method to add three- and two-digit within 1000.

Students will use the standard algorithm method to add three- and two-digit within 1000.

Student to subtract two-digit numbers within 1000.

Academic Language
General academic vocabulary and content-specific vocabulary for the unit.
Explain where in the lesson vocabulary will be taught (i.e. Multiple Means of Representation, Multiple Means of Engagement, or Multiple Means of Expression).

Regrouping (To be taught in multiple means of representation)

Regrouping (To be taught in multiple means of representation)

Expanded notation (To be taught in multiple means of representation)

Standard algorithm (To be taught in multiple means of representation)

Regrouping (To be taught in multiple means of representation)

Unit Resources, Materials, Equipment, and Technology
List all resources, materials, equipment, and technology to be used in the unit.

Note cards
Two-digits charts

Note cards
Two-digit charts

Note cards
Two-digit charts
Three-digit charts

Note cards
Two-digit charts Three-digit charts

Note cards
Two-digit charts

Section 2: Instructional Planning

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Anticipatory Set
Describe how students’ prior knowledge will be activated and how you will gain student interest in the upcoming content.

Ask students to identify the place value of numbers.

Ask students to identify the place value of numbers

Ask students to share their impressions about the math problem.

Ask students to share their impressions about the math problem.

As students to identify the place value of numbers.

Presentation of Content

Multiple Means of
Describe how content will be presented in various ways to meet the needs of different learners and how you will consider individual students’ abilities, interests, preferred learning environment, and cultural and linguistic factors. .

Content will be presented in a way that meets every students’ needs.

Content will be presented in a way that meets every students’ needs.

Content will be presented in a way that meets every students’ needs.

Content will be presented in a way that meets every students’ needs.

Content will be presented in a way that meets every students’ needs.

Multiple Means of
Explain how content will be differentiated for each of the following groups:
* English language learners (ELL):
* Students with exceptionalities (classroom students with IFSPs, IEPs, including students with gifted abilities, and 504 plans):
* Early finishers (classroom student who may need opportunities to extend their learning):

The content for ELLs will contain simple vocabulary.
The content for student with exceptionalities would be presented based on each students’ needs.
Early finisher will have more content than the others.

The content for ELLs will contain simple vocabulary.
The content for student with exceptionalities would be presented based on each students’ needs.
Early finisher will have more content than the others.

The content for ELLs will contain simple vocabulary.
The content for student with exceptionalities would be presented based on each students’ needs.
Early finisher will have more content than the others.

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