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Infant and Toddler Responsive Strategies Essay Sample

Essay Instructions:

This assignment has TWO PARTS. Please be sure to read the instructions and rubric for details of expectations. Once all documents are complete, please upload.

Part One - Infant and Toddler Environment Checklist and Examples

Using the Infant and Toddler Environment Checklist (see required files) complete an observation of an infant or toddler classroom and outdoor space. In addition to completing and submitting the checklist, please complete the Infant and Toddler Environment Examples and Strategies document (see required files) by providing three examples or strategies for each of the responsive environment actions.

To complete this part of the assignment you must submit a completed Infant and Toddler Environment Checklist, the Infant and Toddler Environment Examples and Strategies document, and two pictures of the environment that was observed (one indoor and one outdoor photo). You can be creative with that photo or picture! If possible take a photo of your current program. If not allowed, if you have an old photo or if your school's website has pictures, you can use one of those. You could do an internet search for an image of a classroom or playground that looks similar to yours or images of materials or equipment you would find in your room/playground. If you are feeling really creative, you could sketch an image of your classroom or collage one.

Required Files

Infant and Toddler Environment Checklist.docx download

Infant and Toddler Responsive Strategies (3).docx download

Part Two - Picture Illustrated Cooking Activity

Create a healthy cooking activity for toddlers! Use the information from Choose My Plate (Links to an external site.) for ideas and inspiration. The best way to guide most toddlers through a recipe is with pictures or illustration for all materials and steps. Choose a recipe and submit the following:

* Name of the recipe

* List of materials and ingredients needed

* Recipe or sequential order of steps

* Paragraph of the teacher's role in guiding a cooking activity

* A picture guide - this guide should include photos, clip art, or drawings of EACH material, EACH ingredient, and ALL steps

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Infant and Toddler Responsive Strategies
Please provide three examples/strategies for how you support a responsive infant and toddler classroom for each of the following actions:
Provide three examples/strategies as to how you support a responsive environment that allows children have easy access to toys.  
1) Place them in on a quite floor and space with equipment such as chairs and tables, and a place that is separate from distraction such as classrooms.
2) Store toys of different types in containers and place them in low shelves or areas easily accessible to children.
3) Display the toys in a neat and organized way in such a way that children will not have to go through a difficult time through many area to get what they need.
Provide three examples/strategies as to how you support a responsive environment that keeps quiet and active play areas separated.
1) Locate the different toy storage bins to leave an open space at the center of the building.
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