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Lesson Plan on the Diverse Types of Words

Essay Instructions:

Professional growth in developing effective lessons and lesson plans comes with practice. This assignment provides the opportunity to connect the multiple elements of lesson planning into a single document.

Complete all sections of the lesson plan template.

Your lesson plan should include the following:

Classroom and Student Factors/Grouping: Summarize the “Class Profile” and use this information to direct the differentiation throughout the lesson plan.

National/State Learning Standards: Look up Arizona standards.

Specific Learning Target(s)/Objectives

Academic Language: List any vocabulary students will need to learn for full understanding of the lesson.

Resources, Materials, Equipment, and Technology: Lesson must integrate digital tools and resources into the instruction and assessments.

Anticipatory Set: Include pre-assessment or required knowledge student will need to be prepared to learn.

Multiple Means of Representation: Include at least two of the models or strategies previously discussed, along with a thorough explanation of how the chosen model/strategy would apply to the lesson.

Multiple Means of Engagement: Specify how instruction would be adapted to diverse students, based on an understanding of how elementary students differ in their development and approaches to learning.

Multiple Means of Expression: Include formative and summative assessments to plan, evaluate, and strengthen your instruction. Include technology resources in at least one assessment. Label each assessment as formative or summative as indicated in the lesson plan template.

Extension Activity and/or Homework

Rationale/Reflection: In 250-500 words, answer the following questions:

How do the instructional models you chose for the lesson meet the diverse learning needs of the students on the "Class Profile"?

How does the instruction and assessment meet the developmental needs of students and strengthen future instructional decisions?

How do the technological resources you selected engage students and support your assessment practices?

Support your reflection with 2-3 resources.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Lesson Plan on Types of word
Student Name
Institutional Affiliation
Instructor Name
Date of submission
Section 1: Lesson Preparation
Teacher Candidate Name:

Grade Level:


Unit/ Subject:


Instructional Plan Title:

Type of words

Lesson Summary and Focus

The lesson focuses on the diverse types of words. The lesson will revolve around the different classifications of nouns, pronouns, verbs, conjunctions, and interjections.

Classroom and Student Factors/ Grouping

The total number of students in the classroom is 30; 14 boys and 16 girls. Six students are under IEP or 504 plans. These students' presence affects the teaching speed, the modes of assessing the students, and the lesson's general planning because they need to be integrated and have a uniform flow with other students. Most of the students are at grade level in terms of their ages, but two are above grade level and one below grade level. 15students are native English speakers, and six are below grade level based on reading performance. The classroom arrangement ensures all the students access the board with those using glasses and the shorter ones sitting near the board. Students with ADHD get distracted easily, thus the need to maximize the use of demonstrations. Six groups of five students each are appropriate.

National/State Learning Standards

The students should be able to apply the knowledge they will learn in an out-of-class context to make simple sentences that communicate effectively. They should get the fundamental concepts on the types of words as a foundation in further learning.

Specific Learning Target(s) Objectives

At the end of the lesson, the student will mention and describe the various types of words. The students will construct simple sentences using different types of words.
The student will be able to incorporate the types of words in a singular or plural sentence.

Academic Language

It is essential to define and correctly use the vocabulary in sentences to enhance students’ understanding and ability to apply their use.

Resources, Materials, Equipment, and Technology

Charts, pencils, whiteboard, marker pens, course books, storybook, video clips of pupils conversing, projector, and PowerPoint notes.

Section 2: Instructional Planning
Anticipatory set
The students will answer the questions on the application of different types of words in a sentence.
The students will listen to one of the video clips involving students participating in public speaking.

Time needed
10 minutes

Multiple Means of Representation (Instruction)
* I will ask the students about their thoughts on common types of words, such as nouns.
* I will read out aloud a tiny portion of a storybook.
* I will open the PowerPoint notes and let the students read through the types of words and their respective definitions.
* I will open the video clip and ask the students to:
Identify the type of words they listen
Identify how different types of words are used.
* I will explain how the different types of words take the singular or plural form.
* I will mention examples of t...
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