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Individualized Education Program (IEP) for Student With Reading Problems

Essay Instructions:
  1.  What strengths do you observe?
  2.  What weaknesses?
  3. Consider what services he will need. How often will he need them?
  4. What label will he be given? Write down what category if any Lee should be placed. Wnte down which categones you would consider, and why.
  5. What objectives and goals should be written?



Essay Sample Content Preview:

Student Name
Intuitional Affiliation
Question 1
Lee loves reading about oceans, fish, and science with pictures and little text. This demonstrates that while may be struggling with reading, he can read in areas of his interest. Showing some signs of reading is a major strength for Lee. It demonstrates that reading materials that have pictures and little text will be more suitable for him. Additionally, Lee listens to instructions. Listening is critical to Lee since it will allow him to understand the required instructions. His ability to listen means that teachers can design an indetermination that allows him to apply whatever he has been told. Moreover, Lee likes solving math problems that are not word problems. Further, Lee has a few friends he engages with online. While the friends are few, this is a major step towards enhancing his social skills.
Question 2
While Lee listens to instructions, he is unable to generalize the tasks given to him. Lee is unable to translate the instructions and apply them to tasks assigned to him. Secondly, while Lee likes solving problems, he faces challenges when it comes to word math problems. Lee is unable to read the words and understand well what is required of him, hence he is unable to solve math problems with words. Thirdly, Lee has reading problems. He experiences reading problems like reversals, frequent confusion of the vowel and consonant sounds, and numerous sight word errors. Fourthly, while Lee has a few online friends he speaks to, he has challenges when placed in online break-out rooms. Lee seems to interact more with online friends outside the classroom setting.
Question 3
Lee would need counseling assistance. Lee has challenges due to the separat...
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