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Incorporation of the 7Cs of Reality Pedagogy in Lesson Plans

Essay Instructions:


Create a lesson plan for one class that demonstrates how you are incorporating the reading and lecture on Reality Pedagogy and the 7C’s. Think creatively about how you would engage classroom teachers in writing such lesson plans and submit a model for them to see as create a dialogue around this work.

Here are some references from the class:


and class recordings https://drive(dot)google(dot)com/drive/folders/10ZgnoRn7ivtbXOGh3L33hYtwjvIcuaEb?usp=share_link

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Subject and Section
Professor’s name
Reality Pedagogy
Reality pedagogy centers on building relationships with students and understanding their experiences and cultural backgrounds. In order to incorporate reality pedagogy, a teacher can begin by asking students to share a personal story that relates to the theme of the short story they will be analyzing. This strategy will allow the teacher to connect with students and understand their perspectives. The teacher can also provide students multiple opportunities to collaborate and work in groups. It will allow them to share their experiences and ideas and build community in the classroom (Aiyedun, 2019).
Incorporation of the 7Cs of Reality Pedagogy in lesson plans
Teachers should incorporate the 7Cs of Reality Pedagogy in lesson plans for several reasons. They can use it for engagement, relevance, student-centered learning, equity, and empowerment (Al-Refai, 2022).
Teachers can create lessons that are relevant and engaging for students. Students are interested in and invested in their learning when they can see the connections between their learning and their lives. In addition, the 7Cs help teachers to make learning more relevant to the student's lives. It is important because when students can see the relevance of their learning, they are more likely to retain and apply the information in real-life situations. The 7Cs also promote student-centered learning, an essential aspect of effective teaching. When teachers focus on the needs and interests of their students, they are more likely to create an environment conducive to learning.
Moreover, Reality Pedagogy and the 7Cs aim to create a more equitable learning environment. By valuing students’ cultural and linguistic backgrounds, teachers can create a more inclusive classroom and help all students to succeed. The 7Cs also help empower students by giving them a voice in their learning. By creating opportunities for co-generative dialogue and continuous learning, students are encouraged to take ownership of their learning and become active participants in the classroom. Therefore, teachers must incorporate those concepts in their lesson plans.
1 Cogenerative dialogues
The teacher can initiate the lesson by engaging in cogenerative dialogues with students to establish the learning objectives. This process allows students to have a voice in their learning and take ownership of their education.
2 Coteaching
The teacher will encourage students to take on teaching roles by leading discussions or helping their peers analyze the literary elements of the short story to interpret its meaning.
3 Cosmopolitanism
The teacher can involve students in various operational activities of the classroom, such as setting up multimedia resources, leading small group discussions, or facilitating peer feedback.
4 Context
The teacher can provide historical and cultural background information to help students understand the setting and characters of the short story, connecting the material to the students' experiences and backgrounds.
5 Content
The teacher and students can engage in a collaborative exploration of the short story, analyzing its literary elements and discussing different perspectives and interpretations of the text.
6 Competition
The teacher can create nontraditional competitive activities, such as debates, team challenges, or creative presentations, to encourage students to demonstrate their understanding of the short story and its literary elements.
7 Curation
The teacher and students can review classroom videos or recordings to identify practices that positively or negatively affect student learning, using these insights to refine and improve their classroom interactions and teaching methods.
Lesson Plan
Grade level: 9th Grade
Subject: English Language Arts
Topic: Analyzing Literary Elements in Short Stories
Duration: 3 class periods (90 minutes each)
Lesson Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, students are expected to:
* identify literary elements such as plot, character, setting, and theme in short stories;
* analyze the literary elements to interpret the...
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