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Hypothetical Sampling Procedure

Essay Instructions:
An appropriate sample size increases confidence in a result. The sample size can also help guide choices for what statistical procedure to use and how powerful it will be. In this assignment, you will write a 1 page paper developing a hypothetical sampling procedure to build a sample gradebook dataset. In our example, we use a “sample of the whole” because we are analyzing the entire gradebook for a single glass. Thus, our results would apply to only that single class, rather than to other classes in a school or other grade levels or subject matter at other schools in the district, city, county, or country. Step 1. Delineate Delineate possible steps for securing permission from the school district to use student gradebook data from a single class. How will you anonymize the data and ensure there is no identifiable information attached to each student? Delineate the steps for exporting the dataset, cleaning it, anonymizing it, and inputting it into Microsoft Excel. Delineate any steps you might need to complete for securing approval from an institutional review board (IRB) to protect human subjects. Step 2. Analyze Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of using a “sample of the whole,” especially for a small dataset. Why might this be convenient, but not generalizable? Why might this be considered an empirical (quantitative) case study? What relation does this have to the relatively small sample and, in fact, small population? Step 3. Research Locate at least one scholarly reference regarding sampling the whole and/or quantitative case studies to strengthen your hypothetical sampling procedures. Compose your 1 page paper, compiling Steps 1 through 3 above. Include an introduction and conclusion and at least one scholarly reference. Step 4. Submit Submit your APA title page, 1 page paper, and a reference page.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Hypothetical Sampling Procedure Student’s Name Professor’s Name Institutional Affiliations Course Name and Number Due Date Hypothetical Sampling Procedure Researchers recognize sampling as a critical phase in conducting thorough studies. Such an aspect informs the statistical techniques applicable in research, interpretation of findings, and other elements (Keller, 2021). Thus, this paper explores whole population sampling while examining processes of accessing and anonymizing student grade data. The ethical responsibility of the school district ensures that researchers must obtain permission to use any databases about learners. One should start by identifying the authorized individuals and writing an official request letter justifying their research purpose and implication. The justification should outline data use and emphasize the efforts of upholding ethics. Anonymizing the grade book data is the primary technique for ensuring the research does not violate the privacy needs of the students. This process includes removing all identifiable details and replacing them with codes for identifying each...
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