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How Can Formulas Enhance an Excel Worksheet?

Essay Instructions:
How Can Formulas Enhance an Excel Worksheet? Formulas can be useful when designing spreadsheets; sometimes, it’s necessary to manually compute certain factors or specify calculations based on relative cell references. For this discussion, research two or three Excel functions (“=SOMETHING”) that could be useful when applying statistics in an Excel worksheet. Develop an original response to the following questions: What is the background and purpose of each formula? How could each formula be useful for the hypothetical scenarios in this class or another statistical purpose in academic research?
Essay Sample Content Preview:
How Can Formulas Enhance an Excel Worksheet? Student’s Name Professor’s Name Institutional Affiliations Course Name and Number Due Date How Can Formulas Enhance an Excel Worksheet? What is the background and purpose of each formula? The Excel program provides a researcher with diverse functions for analyzing their data and makes it easier to interpret or transform it into meaningful results. According to Ramirez (2021), functions represent the varied formulas within the Excel program. They eliminate the need for one to type long formulas manually. The author also indicates an equal (=) sign highlights an operation’s beginning. One of these functions is average, which Michaloudis and Hong (2019) indicate arises from calculating the sum of all the values in a particular observation or data set of concern and dividing by the overall observations’ number. Excel provides the function as =AVERAGE(numbers, numbers, …). The resul...
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