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Global Summary and Analysis of Viewpoints in Setting Up a School

Essay Instructions:

Write a 1 page global summary and analysis of your group members’ essays. Submit the document via Canvas. Be sure to write all group member names on the document.

Document guidelines

Document should thoroughly summarize the viewpoints or ideas presented by all member essays and provide an analysis of all member responses. DON'T SUMMARIZE OR ANALYZE EACH ESSAY INDIVIDUALLY. Your summary and analysis should be from a global perspective.

In other words, find patterns or themes among the varied responses given by all group members. The analysis can be from any perspective. For example, it can identify patterns of thought that is pervasive in the group, make connections to current educational issues, or extend the ideas presented in the course readings or ideas espoused in current educational literature, etc.

All group member names (not those students who are absent) must appear at the top of the document

Double-spaced, 12-point font

Word, PDF, or Google Docs format only

Blank or unreadable documents will not be graded

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Global Summary
All the group members focus on making a school rather than creating an after-school program. Andrew wants to create a school with the mascot Golden Eagle while Brayan chose the mascot Golden State Elementary/Intermediate/ or High school. Andrew feels that the general premise of his Charter School is to provide services to the individual needs of underprivileged students in urban areas. Following the name of his school, Golden Eagle, he believes the students will have unbound freedom. Brayan states that he would choose the name Golden State for his school because it represents California. According to him, the name is also likely to empower the community to be golden. Brayan chose the Golden State Angel and the Eagle for his mascot. The location for “up and away charter school” by Andrew would be located in urban areas, and more specifically in less fortunate areas. Brayan chose a rural location for his Charter school.
The student demographics for Andrew’s school are low to middle-income students, including students from racial and ethnic groups. For Brayan, a mixed background and culture would be ideal since he wants integration into the school. Since all schools have a curriculum and instruction, Andrew’s school will have a primary curriculum consisting of several tactics as far as instruction is concerned. Brayan propose...
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