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Global Perspective, State of Planet, and Cross-Cultural Awareness

Essay Instructions:


Hanvey, R.G. (2004). An Attainable Global Perspective. The American Forum for Global Education. http://site(dot)valenciacollege(dot)edu/inz/profdev/INZ%20the%20Curriculum%20Workshop/0.3_An-Attainable-Global-Perspective.pd

Complete the initial formative questions. Use your responses to the formative questions to form your response to the synthesis question.

Submit your responses to the Formative Questions prior to coming to class for the Reading Guide – Hanvey. Bring a copy of your written work to class with you to inform your group work.

Formative Questions - Individual Work done before class Week 3:

1.How do societal actors and agencies (apart from school) reduce or distort a global perspective?

2.What is perspective consciousness? Provide an example.

3.What is “state of planet awareness”? Provide an example.

4.What is “cross-cultural awareness"? Provide an example.

5.Why is “empathy” such a critical word for Hanvey’s argument?

6.Provide what you believe are an example of understanding “global dynamics”?

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Formative Questions
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Formative Questions
Question 1
In the article, Hanvey (2004) demonstrates that societal actors and agencies apart from schools distort a global perspective. Powerful organizations like the media and economic organizations tend to offer a one-sided view that suits their interests. Because these actors are often powerful, they can easily push their agenda to the public. Because of biased information, people often receive a distorted view of a global perspective. For instance, international media houses tend to cover stories that suit their interest. In the process, they present what is in their best interests, while ignoring the multiple views that exist. The result is miscommunication which can cause a misunderstanding of the issue under discussion.
Question 2
Perspective consciousness is the recognition that one’s perspective may not be universally shared. In other words, other people have a view that differs significantly from the individual. The viewpoints of individuals are often influenced by the cognitive mapping of the culture where they grew up. For example, people view gender roles differ depending on the culture where they grew up. In some cultures, men are viewed as superior to women. Perspective consciousness calls upon individuals in such cultures to recognize that the view that men are superior to women may not be universally shared, since there are other cultures where gender equality is valued.
Question 3
State of planet awareness implies the understanding of the global conditions that affect individuals worldwide. It entails the recognition that the world is interconnected and global issues have implications for individuals around the world. For instance, an issue like climate change is a major issue. The state of plant awarene...
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