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GaPear Game User Guide

Essay Instructions:

Creating the Scenario: 1. Using the Mathematics Mystery Contest scenario as a model, you will design your own scenario-based game. You will incorporate best practices in problem solving and demonstrate your understanding of concepts from algebra, calculus. and geometry. Your final product will be a game user guide. For each module. you will add a new task to the game. completing the game and compiling all the components in the final user guide in Module 5. • Set up a game user guide in a Word document for your response. • Use APA format for the guide components and their title pages. references page. and in-text citations. • Submit the introductory page for your game user guide and the Module 1 component of the guide in this module. You will compile and submit your final user guide in Module 5. Step 1. Set Up Establish a format and design in a Word or text document for the game user guide you will submit as a final product in Module 5. Then complete the components of the game user guide by following the activity steps in each module. Decide on a title for your game user guide. and write an introductory page. You will submit each component of the game user guide in each module's assignment and the final compilation in Module 5. Step 2. Select Select a setting and theme for the scenario. such as a mathematical mystery contest at a Victorian mansion. Step 3. Identify Concepts Identify three mathematical concepts - one from each discipline of algebra. calculus (should be difficult and require persistence to solve). and geometry (should require novel thinking) - appropriate for your audience's age and level of learning which you will incorporate in the game's problem solving. In one or two sentences. describe the relationship of the concept to the scenario Step 4. Describe Describe the scenario to your audience. Provide an appropriate framework for delivering the information necessary to move through the scenario. Step 5. Outline Outline five parts or tasks to be completed in the scenario. Include a one-sentence description. Step 6. Design in Detail Using the Mathematics Mystery Contest scenario as a model. Design your Task 1 in complete detail. Please read the Assignment Guidelines 0 before you begin working. 

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Game User Guide
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Game User Guide
Every student gets to a point where they have to choose whether they will take a gap year or not. A majority of students struggle to make this decision and often leave their parents to decide for them. However, this decision is crucial and should be driven by the students immediately after completing their high school education. The game called GaPear is specifically designed to help students decide the activities they could engage in if they decide to take a gap year. It is highly likely for a student to become irritated by their options, especially if they are unsure of their decision. Choosing whether or not to take a gap year can be considered a problem that needs a carefully thought-out plan or decision. However, the problem goes beyond deciding to take a gap year or not to what someone would like to do after deciding to take a gap year. According to Nicholson (1992), problem-solving leads people to develop solutions to problems or difficult situations through the development of scenarios. Math can become the foundation upon which students base their choices and problems. As indicated by the South African Institute for Distance Education (2008), problem-solving has to be the essence of math. The focus should never be on routine exercises but on helping students solve their problems and dilemmas. Therefore, it is against the backdrop of the above statements that this game is developed to help students decide which activities they would like to engage in if they choose to take a gap year. The game will be played by students in the 11th and 12th grades.
Setting and Theme
The setting of the game is a high school. The focus will mainly be on junior and senior high school students. The game should help them decide what they would like to do upon finishing high school. These activities will be different and entail some of the most popular options often chosen by students worldwide. Every decision they make will be guided by math challenges that will have them use the math skills learned and acquired in class. Every option available will unlock a new challenge, and the students will continue to the last unless they decide to quit the game.
Identify Concepts
The tasks outlined in the game should be solved using mathematical concepts that the students should be conversant with. The concepts that will be used include Algebra, Calculus, and Geometry. These three should help the students to interact with the decisions they are making regarding their future.
Algebra is a mathematical concept that is highly applicable in real life. Some people could believe that algebra is not highly applicable in real life because of the lack of Xs and Ys in their daily lives. However, algebra is heavily applicable in life. In algebra, people use symbols and then institute standards that they then use to manipulate the symbols. For our game, the students will be applying their knowledge of algebra to solve a challenge.
In life, the small steps make up the distances we travel. When someone wishes to take a flight to a far-off country, the chances are high they will have to take several stopovers before they get to their destination. For example, they will take a bus to the airport, board the plane, make a stopover, and arrive at their destination. Calculus is not any different since it helps people understand the whole by focusing on the small pieces. Calculus can be divided into differential calculus and integral calculus. People divide the whole into smaller pieces for differential calculus to understand it further. On the other hand, integral calculus seeks to join the small pieces to understand the whole. Calculus will be crucial in helping the students delve deeper into their decisions.
Geometry is all around us. It is one of the most prevalent and obvious mathematical concepts. There is an ounce of geometry from the buildings we see, to art, how we design our houses, and in sports. Students must understand where and how to apply geometry in life, especially when it is crucial to the decisions they are about to make. For the game at hand, geometry will challenge the students as they unlock a level or seek to understand more about an option.
Scenario and Framework
This game is centered around students looking to choose activities they would like to do or embark on during their gap year. However, there is a small twist in the game because, first, students will be asked whether they are taking a gap year or not before they are allowed to continue with the game (answers here are yes or no). If a student says no, they will be directed to a section where they will be given the challenge to solve before they are provided with some advantages of taking a gap year and its impact on their career or life after that. When students say yes, they are presented with five options divided into five tasks. These tasks or options entail whether or not to learn a new language, whether or not to intern, whether or not to visit a new country, whether or not to volunteer, and lastly, whether or not to take a part-time course. The game aims to make sure that the students select an activity aligned with who they are or what they intend to pursue in their lives. Therefore, it is crucial that every student who plays the game be prepared to take time in every instance. Also, the activities selected provide students with a wide range of options. The idea here is for the students not to feel limited because they can choose to do more than one activity, but they will have to solve a challenge before making a choice.
Task 1 – Language
Language forms the first part of the game. However, it is crucial to mention that these options only open up after the student has confirmed that they will take a gap year. For this task, the students will be asked whether they wish to learn a new language ...
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