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Exploring the Job Market

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Discussion: Expanding the Scope
Mathematics and statistics have proven to be fundamental components in solving real-life problems. As the world experiences exponential technology change, modeling is on top of the components used to solve some of the problems (Kahl, 2009). The 2009 article published by Clive Thompson reveals the significance of modeling in predicting the future. Bruce Bueno de Mesquita is a renowned game theorist and a professor who has been using the concept of modeling to predict political events (Thompson, 2009). The numerical analysis and computer modeling controlled the game, reflecting the scope of mathematics in this game of predictions. Bruce Bueno de Mesquita uses real numbers and presents political events mathematically to determine the potential outcome.
These numerical numbers provide discretional predictions, which can help determine the scope of political events in any country. The theory applied here uses the game theory, whereby human relations are used as variables (Thompson, 2009). On the other hand, a conflicting model shows the relationship between numbers and events. Game theories and prediction models are computer-generated, and they rely on numbers and relational behaviors to determine probable events (Kahl, 2009). In most cases, these behaviors can change and may not align with the predictions. Therefore, it is critical to incorporate human intelligence with mathematical models and theories to make discretional opinions. Human intelligence is very critical in analyzing real-life events. Additionally, it plays an integral role in feeding the models with the numbers and players to make predictions. The human element in security agencies is critical because it helps verify the data collected.
Exploring the Job Market
Mathematical discipline is very critical in determining and predicting behaviors in a system. It is an important concept used across all sectors of the economy. Integration of statistics, theories, and mathematical models makes the concept a goldmine in the job market. Modeling simulation Analyst is one of the careers in mathematical modeling which has a high demand in the market. According to payScale.com 2020, the minor salary in modeling simulation analyst jobs is $86000. The increased salary reflects the significance of the concept in different industries. The primary objective of a modeling simulation analyst is to examine how systems perform, and they are primarily applied in defense departments, medical departments, and technological companies.
Job position: Senior Engineer, PKPD Modelling and Simulation
Role summary
The qualified candidate will be in charge of modeling simulation in pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics in the Medicine Design Department. The department deals with state-of-art modeling simulation, which is essential in discovering drug breakthroughs in the medical industry. Additionally, the Medicine Des...
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