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Cognitive, Socio-emotional, and Physical Developments

Essay Instructions:

Directions: You have learned about cognitive, socio-emotional, and physical domains/development. For this project, synthesize what you have learned about each area of development into one paper. Your paper should include the following topics (with related headings):
Cognitive Development - Write about what you have learned and give at least 2-3 concrete examples of how you will apply the information to your own classroom, home setting, etc. Cite and reference your points.
Socio-Emotional Development - Write about what you have learned and given at least 2-3 concrete examples of how you will apply the information to your own classroom, home setting, etc. You may use fictional scenarios to help clarify your examples. Cite and reference your points.
Physical Development -Write about a fictional child who is struggling in this area. Include concrete steps to help him or her and include ways to monitor your results and the child's progress. Cite and reference your points.
Summary/Conclusion-Include a summary that synthesizes what you have learned about all three areas of development. Explain how the three areas overlap and why they are important to understand, observe, and attend to in classrooms or other settings.
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Criterion Area
Did Not Attempt
The project contained all required sections. Learners analyzed the lesson content and synthesized the information into their own practice. Connections were made between the learner’s summary and the required readings. Concrete examples were provided.
60-56 points
The project contained 3 of the required sections.
Learner summarized the lesson content. Connections were made between the learner’s summary and the body of literature.
55-46 points
The project contained 2 of the required sections.
Minimal connections were made between the learner’s summary and the body of literature. 45-41 points
The project contained 1 of the required sections.
Minimal to no connections were made between the learner’s summary and the body of literature.
40 points
No attempt observed
0 points
Structure, Spelling, and Grammar
APA Style was used where appropriate. References were made throughout the work. The Paper was free of spelling and grammar issues.
30-21 points
Some APA Style was used. Minimal references were made. Paper contained minor spelling and grammar issues.
20-11 points
APA Style was not used. No references were made. Paper contained 3-5 spelling and/or grammar issues.
10-6 points
APA Style was not used. No references were made. Paper contained 5 or more spelling and/or grammar issues.
5 points
No attempt observed
0 points
Project was turned in on time 10 points
Project was 1 day late.
8 points
Project was 2-7 days late.
5 points
Project was 7 or more days late.
1 point
No attempt observed
0 points

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Childhood Development
Student's Name
Institutional Affiliation
Instructor's Name
Childhood Development
Cognitive Development
Cognitive development is an area under human development in which children are evaluated on how they think, engage in exploration, and work out through their daily challenges (Kuzik et al., 2020). I have learned that children acquire knowledge, skills, and problem-solving methods to understand the world around them. Additionally, I have learned that it is essential to foster a child's development, especially in the cognitive sphere, since it provides a firm foundation for their success in academics and later in other aspects of life. For instance, the distinction of sound is one aspect of cognitive development that children can learn and adapt to as early as six months after birth.
Children acquire various cognitive skills during cognitive development with every developmental milestone (Tortella & Fumagalli, 2019). As a teacher, I will apply this knowledge to help children develop their cognitive skills in the classroom context. I will ensure that I incorporate active learning in class by engaging them in plays, creating puzzles, and leading children to sing or read texts (Kuzik et al., 2020). In applying the knowledge I have gained about cognitive development, I will use visual aids and concrete props when demonstrating to children how to solve math questions. I will accomplish this by engaging students in understanding how to solve 'addition' problems by providing different colors. Then, I will use the colors to find the sum for each addition problem through counting to help enhance cognition. The expected result is that later, the children will solve addition math questions flawlessly when they remember the 'color game .'One other example demonstrating how I will apply the acquired knowledge is incorporating songs when teaching the alphabet. I will introduce a hymn in class and label it the Alphabet Song to enhance cognition. I will instruct learners to repeat and rehearse the song as they point to each letter on the alphabet chart.
Socio-Emotional Development
Regarding Socio-Emotional Development, I learned that the capacity to build meaningful and fulfilling connections by children with other members of the society through awareness creation, communication, and controlling their emotions constitutes social-emotional development (Keller, 2018). In such cases, educators can help learners manage intense emotions to regulate behavior. To apply this in school, as an educator, I will train students how to say 'sorry,' 'thank you,' and make requests using the term 'please' or 'may I .'In so doing, I will have helped them learn how to forgive, embosom kindness, and have a desire to help others (Keller, 2018). As part of their socio-emotional development, I will teach them to seek help whenever needed. To acc...
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