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Examine the five major variables that must be taken into account in compensation systems.

Essay Instructions:
The 5 major variables to discuss are as follows: 1. Performance: Did the task get done? Provide some performance standards from the InTasc download. Rebore quote "The use of performance as a basis for compensating employees is critical to all effective compensation systems" 2. Effort: Rebore quote "It is ironic, therefore, that schood districts have long neglected using the degree of effort put forth by employees as a component in their compensation systems" Discuss pay for performance issues. 3. Seniority: Seniority equals more pay for teachers who have been there longer, a very easy approach to pay. Administration positions are usually negotiated positions where seniority does not matter as much. 4. Skills: Rebore quote " those who possess the most advanced skills receive the highest compensation". Hiring people with the necessary skills and paying them for it. More skills, more pay. 5. Job Requirements: Rebore quote "a job that is difficult to perform because of stress, unpleasant working conditions, or a level of responsibilty must also offer higher compensation to attract capable individuals". If a job is going to be harder, the pay should be higher. APA Format Use Rebore as the main source, but refer to the reference list as well. Reference list attached Sample Essay attached Chapter PowerPoint attached InTasc standards attached
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Title Your Name Subject and Section Professor’s Name Date As the world of work competition continues to heighten, organizations are seemingly forced to redesign their compensation systems so as to be able to recruit, inspire, and retain the best of human resource talent. One of the basic components is a multidimensional analysis of all the factors that can affect job performance, job satisfaction, and job engagement. This essay will look at five major variables that have an influence on compensation systems; the significance and influence of each variable on organizational effectiveness and employee morale will be considered. First, performance is one of the essential elements in any type of compensation system since it is directly that defines an employee’s ability to perform adequately and achieve organization goals (Rebore, 2015). However, in the case of educators, performance standards set by consortia such as the Interstate Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (2011) can be used as reference points and metrics when evaluating the effectiveness of teaching professionals in different fields. Normally these performance standards cover a number of aspects of a teacher’s occupation such as the planning and preparation, classroom atmosphere, learning environment, and professional obligations (Interstate New Teacher Assessment And Support Consortium & Council Of Chief State School Officers, 2011). As standards, such as the ones highlighted above are used for the assessment of educators, the institutions are able to understand how effective and impactful these educators are regarding their ability to contribute to the achievement of favorable student learning outcomes. The linkage of compensation to performance makes an effective force fundamental to the achievement of employees in the roles they are appointed (Biasi, 2021). Thus, integrating performance as a vital component of compensation mechanisms not only supports organizational mission but can also inspire staff members to do their best at work. Second, effort is an underlying issue of employee performance that demonstrates the degree of man’s work devotion and consistency. It includes the ability to do more than the required, putting extra time and effort, and being highly diligent (Rebore, 2015). Still, despite effort being the critical factor underlying employee productivity and organizational efficiency, many school districts leave effort out of...
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