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Pre observation , lesson plan

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Please fill out the attached form I teach in preschool ( prekindergarten ) at Head Start I have 18 kids in the classroom, age range of 3-5 years I have 15 ELL kids I have 2 gifted kids I have 3 speech delay kids The title of the lesson is: Valentine's Day I am reading the textbook: Old Lady Who Swallowed a Rose, I will use picture visuals ( sequence ) for my ELL and Speech delay students. For my small group project, the kids will create their own Valentine's card, by using construction paper and small heart stickers to make a flower bouqet areas in my classroom that i will set up on Valentine's Day : add these paint to my easel: Red, White Purple Art areat : Put valentine stamps, pipe cleaner, sequins, hearts , pink, red paper, glue sticks Writing area : Valentine word wall poster, Pink sand tray and heart letters cut out, mailbox, valentine cards, Puzzles and textbooks about Valentine Dramatic area: flowers, hearts Manipulative area hearts cut in half (match game ), counting heart games I also will make Valentine’s book with the kids listen to valentine songs
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Observation Memoranda and Lesson Plan Template Name: Observation Date: 02/14/2024 Grade Level(s): Pre-kindergarten Lesson Title: Valentine’s Day Is this an ICT Classroom No Timespan of the Lesson: 45 minutes Pre-Observation Memorandum Context For Learning Student Characteristics (Danielson Domain 1, Component 1b) Describe: * Students’ personal and community assets * Prior Learning * What students must already know to participate in this lesson * Any gaps in knowledge you must address to make your lesson effective * Number of ELLs * Number of gifted students * Types of IEPs * Any other characteristics that affect your instructional choices * Students of concern Students' personal and community assets include diverse experiences, strengths, and resources they bring to the learning environment. These assets comprise diverse cultural backgrounds such as traditions, languages, customs, and students' unique heritage. Family traditions and support, community involvement, social and interpersonal skills, multilingualism, and resilience are assets in the classroom. These assets enrich the learning experience for the students. To ensure students find the lesson fun and engaging, students must be familiar with primary colors and shapes. In addition, they must have an understanding of sounds and recognize numbers. Students must understand the idea of matching and listening skills. Quality listening skills will be beneficial for the class. The class comprises the following student categories: 15 EEL students with challenges in communicating English fluently. Two gifted students Three speech delay students expressing signs of early childhood development challenges. Types of IEPs used for this class include visual presentations, setting, timing, and scheduling. The Curriculum (Danielson Domain 1, components 1a, 1c) Describe: * How does your lesson fit into the larger curriculum or the central focus of the unit or learning segment * The lessons or topics that preceded the lesson you plan to teach The lesson presented fits in the larger curriculum and central focus of the learning segment through literacy development in reading the book “The Old Lady Swallowed the Rose.” The reading will enhance students’ listening skills and vocabulary acquisition, which is crucial for learning. Matching numbers with objects will also help students develop mathematic skills. In the large group round-up session, students will be engaged in a hands-on activity in which they will match the letters given to letters written on the whiteboard and a math match activity. Activities, including group discussions, promote social-emotional learning where students can express themselves, engage in teamwork, and build social skills. Some lessons and topics preceding the lesson include elementary literacy skills such as phonics and letter recognition. In addition, students should have basic sensory and motor development skills. The Positive Learning Environment (Danielson Domain 2) Describe: * How you will structure or use the physical space to support a positive and productive learning experience * How your lesson provides a climate in which: * Learning is valued * Fair and equitable standards of conduct are upheld * Mutual respect is fostered * How your lesson actively engages and motivates students’ learning The physical space offers students a comfortable and less stressed environment. Physical space can be organized by assigning students seats and establishing routines (Gallagher, 2017). Ensure that desks face the board and hang paintings and photos to make it more aesthetic. I will display a word wall at eye level for his lesson to ensure the students actively engage with the paintings and words (Gallagher, 2017). I will also consider setting up a sand tray activity station. I will employ a flexible seating option to accommodate different class activities, including mats on the floor for storytelling and circle time. My lesson provides a conducive environment where learning is valued by making it welcoming. It promotes a strong sense of collaboration between peers and adults. For example, the lesson starts with staff greeting the children and establishing a rapport between the two groups. In addition, the lesson is personalized to meet each student's specific needs. Further, the schedule adopts a routine that offers students familiarity, comfort, and safety. For fair and equitable standards, the lesson uses diverse learning resources and inclusive language, giving learners a sense of belonging (Ackah-Jnr et al., 2020). It also entails collaborative norms established through teamwork. Thus, the lesson encourages the students to take ownership in creating and sustaining a fair and standardized learning environment. In addition, the lesson involves group work that teaches children how to listen to each other's thoughts and treat each other with respect and dignity. It encourages students to avoid offensive language, raised voices, and sarcasm. The lesson motivates student's learning through choice time activities such as sensory play. Students can choose activities that suit their tastes and preferences, increasing their interest in learning. Visual aid learning also ensures that learners engage with materials in methods that resonate with their age. Brief Description of the Plan Learning Objective (Danielson Domain 1, components 1c, 1f) Describe: * What students will learn from your lesson * What essential ideas students will understand at the completion of your lesson * The performance objectives (or what will the students be able to do after they participate in the lesson) From this lesson, students will gain problem-solving skills to help them identify their interests, skills, and abilities. For example, small group activities allow learners to express themselves creatively. In addition, children will learn socialization skills and how to develop a sense of independence through group and choice time activities. At the end of the lesson, students will understand Valentine's Day vocabulary and how to match pictures with words. In addition, learners will understand the idea of making choices. After participating in the lesson, students can successfully engage in teamwork. In addition, students will learn how to appreciate different cultures and traditions. Learners will also manage to match words with their corresponding numbers and sounds. Rationale Research and Theory (Danielson Domain 1, components 1a, 1b) Justify: * Your instructional choices citing the research and pedagogical theories that informed your decisions * The concepts, methods of inquiry, and activities you will focus on to help students understand the content of your lesson Explain: * How this lesson makes an essential contribution to students’ understanding of the subject Pedagogical theories that informed my decisions included cognitive development theory. The cognitive approach claims...
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