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Ethics In And Through Technology: Smart Phones

Essay Instructions:

Hello, I'm submitting this order for two separate assignments ( first assignment is one page reflection on the course--the same writer who did my last two papers can refer to that to write this reflection)

Second assignment is 4 pages research on moral, social and ethical implications on the use of technology on schools. you will chose from the list below which technology you want to write about. the details are below. thanks


1 page reflection about important facts learning in this class: Character Compass: How Powerful School Culture Can Point Students Toward Success (Seider, 2012)

Compose a 1 page self-reflection post. Revisit your journey through this course beginning with the Week 1 Introduction to current day. When doing so, think about these prompts and respond to three of them in your reflective post:

Thinking back, what single biggest aha moment regarding character education have I experienced?

What is a course resource which has most influenced me, and how?

Which assignment most helped me in my own growth towards character education?

What universal truth about my life’s story has either changed or otherwise benefited from the course content, discussion, and learning activities?

What changes will you make in your own classroom, in the school, or in an area of influence (perhaps in a leadership capacity) to address or further character education? Be explicit.

Support your statements with evidence from the required studies and your research. Cite and reference your sources in APA style.

PART 2: 4 pages

In this technologically advanced, and continually advancing, society, it is important for teachers to consider the ethical and responsible use and advancement of technologies. Cyber ethics is the term for creating a culture of ethical technology use.

Identify a current digital technology use that has social, moral, and ethical implications for teachers and students. The digital technology could be hardware or software (see a list of some possible topics below).

Research the social, moral, and ethical implications of the application of the chosen digital technology identifying various perspectives on the positives and negatives. As you research, pay attention to the issues a teacher will need to consider regarding ethical access and use, equity, social relationships, privacy laws/concerns, etc.

Write a paper that articulates recommendations for the ethical use of a chosen current digital technology in the classroom. This paper will address the ethical challenges of the application of this technology and propose solutions to those challenges that build character in those using the technology. You are establishing a culture that demonstrates the proper use of technology in the classroom.

This paper will be used to inform parents, inform board members, or convince your content/grade level team about the steps your classroom is taking to ensure technology is used in an ethical fashion. Consider your audience.

In your 4- to 5-page paper, include:

An introduction to the digital technology you have chosen to address and the social, moral, or ethical concerns for the technology user (students, teachers, other users in your organization).

A review of current research on the topic that looks at trends in this area (e.g., statistics on use, frequency of negative behaviors). Pay particular attention to related social and moral issues.

At least four recommendations for building character in those using the chosen digital technology to ensure that it is used ethically while also supporting educational initiatives or aims of schooling. Consider what you have learned about character education.

Include the domain (moral, performance or civic) and values you are addressing. Your product will be students that have the character to interact with this technology in an ethical manner.

Possible topics for this paper include, but are not limited to:

A social media platform such as Facebook, Edmodo, Google+ in the classroom/school/organization, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Vine, Ask.fm, alternate forms of social media

Smartphones or other mobile technology

Student access to the Internet outside of school to complete schoolwork

Google Apps for Education

Technology for testing

Filming in the classroom (by teachers)

Use of YouTube with/by students

Use of media clips and films in the classroom/school/organization

Wearable technology

One-to-one technology initiatives

Flipped classrooms or flipped pedagogy

Digital footprints and data safety/student privacy – digital citizenship

Online learning in K-12 settings

Gamification (games-based learning)

Teacher/leader blogging

Digital fabrication (3D printing)

Robotics (drones)

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Ethics In and Through Technology Student Name: Professor: Course title: Date: Ethics In and Through Technology PART 1 The single biggest aha moment with regard to character education that I have experienced is that there is actually a positive association between character education and excellent academic performance of students. In schools in which character education is emphasized, students tend to perform well in their academics. They may even perform better than students in schools where there is no character education (Seider, 2012). A course resource that has influenced me the most as far as character education is concerned is the Thomas Lickona’s text about character education. Through this text, I learned how schools and educators can make an observable difference in their students’ character. According to Lickona (2001), character education is comprehensive, proactive, and intentional, and it fosters core ethical values. Educators share the responsibility of promoting and modelling good character (Lickona, 2013). Thanks to the character education course, I will make several changes in my classroom to address character education by always practicing the three complementary roles of a moral model, ethical mentor, and effective caregiver, treating the students with respect and love, correcting wrongful actions, and encouraging right behaviour. Serving as a moral model, I will make sure that I am an ethical person who demonstrates a high level of responsibility and respect. As an ethical mentor, I will strive to provide direct moral instruction and guidance by means of encouragement of positive behaviour, classroom discussion, storytelling, explanation, as well as corrective moral feedback. By serving as an effective caregiver, I will love and respect my students, treating them as having dignity and worth in order to build their self esteem, and assisting them to succeed at their schoolwork (Lickona, 2001). PART 2 The selected digital technology is smart phone. Technology has transformed virtually everything. With mobile devices and the Internet, everybody is now connected. These days, mobile phones have become a necessity and not mere luxury. There is a time-honoured debate with regard to the use of mobile technology such as smart phones in the classroom. While a lot of parents in the United States permit free reign of the Internet at their homes, there is a debate in education circles about if and how smart phones should be allowed in the classroom (Remon et al., 2017). Those who support the use of this digital technology in school claim that using smart phones helps in keeping learners engaged. Technology is what the students know. These days, the vast majority of learners do not even recall a time with no Internet (Marston, Blankenship & Atkinson, 2014). Negative Behaviours associated with the use of Smart Phones in the Classroom There are a number of negative ethical, moral, and social implications of the application of smart phones in the classroom setting. These include the fact that using smart phones may cause distraction from school work, and could result in bad habits like sexting, cheating in school and texting while driving (Marston, Blankenship & Atkinson, 2014). There are also equity concerns because when schools allow students to use smart phones and adopt bring your own device (BYOD) policies, the digital technology is more likely to be owned by youngsters from richer families. Besides, the smart phones of richer students might be more powerful compared to those of poorer children (Gose, 2017). In addition, the use of smart phones may increase incidences of cyber-bullying in schools. The digital world, as Remon (2017) pointed out, could really be dangerous. Not only are there predators, but the young people could at times be persuaded to share compromising images. In addition, the students might find themselves targets of cyber-bullying. The use of smart phones in school inadvertently exposes the youngsters to these dangers, which are actually contrary to the goals of teachers who are usually committed to the safety of their students. A High School Youth Risk Behaviour survey revealed that in excess of 13,500 learners who were surveyed across the United States have experienced electronic bullying (Ang, 2015). This is actually a privacy concern because some youngsters could use their smart phones to send inappropriate or harassing messages. Recommendations for the Ethical Use of Smart Phones in the Classroom To build character in the students who use smart phones in order to make sure that this digital technology is utilized in an ethical manner while at the same time supporting educational initiatives or aims of schooling, it is recommended that the t...
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