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Ethical Matrix: Impact of Nurture Groups on Learner Experiences and Academic Performance

Essay Instructions:

After reading Tangen’s article, and in particular the case study example (pp. 685-688), apply the General Ethical Matrix Method (Internal Version) to map the terrain of ethical issues as it will relate to your planned capstone research. Submit your final 1-page matrix and text to describe your matrix.
NOTE: If you are not yet sure of your planned capstone research topic or research strategy, feel free to pick another topic of interest. The goal here, however, is to apply theory to practice.
Research Ethics: An Investigation Into Why School Leaders Agree or Refuse to Participate in Educational Research – Lisbeth M. Brevik
Balancing Ethics and Quality in Educational Research—The Ethical Matrix Method – Reidun Tangen
Internet Research Ethics and the Policy Gap for Ethical Practice in Online Research Settings – Jacqueline G. Warrell & Michele Jacobsen
Understanding Implicit Bias: What Educators Should Know – Cheryl Staats
Introduction to the Special Issue on Race and Racism – Andrea L. Miller et al.
Teaching Moment: Creating Dialogue on Culture and Bias in the Learner-Teacher Relationship – Lisa Graves et al.
Tangen, R. (2014). Balancing ethics and quality in educational research—The ethical matrix method. Scandinavian Journal of educational Research, 58(6), 678–694. https://www(dot)researchgate(dot)net/publication/265732906_Balancing_Ethics_and_Quality_in_educational_Research-the_Ethical_Matrix_Method

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Ethical Matrix: Impact of Nurture Groups on Learner Experiences and Academic Perfomance
First Name, Last Name
Course Name
Institutional Affiliation
Ethical Matrix: Impact of Nurture Groups on Pupil's Learning Experiences and Academic Performance
My main research interest centers on the topic of "ability grouping," which some scholars now refer to as "attainment grouping." My focus will be on how nurture or 'transition' groups impact the learning experiences of low-attaining pupils in elementary schools and whether these groups positively or adversely affect the academic performance of these pupils.
Stages in the Research Process

Protection of Participants
(Domain B)

The need for Knowledge (Domain A & C)


Research Purpose & Problem

* Why should low-attaining pupils be researched?
* Is there a risk that this research project can motivate equity issues or lack of access to subject specialist instruction towards low attaining pupils?
* How can this risk be reduced?
* How can this research contribute to implementation of nurture groups with integrity?

* Will this research problem be relevant scientifically, in practice, in policy-making and to other groups of interest?

Responses and Participants

* Low-attaining pupil's and teacher's responses will be focal.
* Would it be essential to include the responses of parents and other interest groups?

* Are the differences between the views of the other participants apart from that of the low-attaining pupils and teachers considered?
* What are the consequences of neglecting them?


* What methodology will be relevant and ethical for this research?
* What methods will be appropriate for capturing the responses of the pupils, teachers, parents, and others?

* What research methodology is proper to gather data on the views of low-attaining pupils in elementary schools and teachers.

Recruitment of Study Participants

* How will the study protocol be communicated to the school principal?
* How will the nature of the study be communicated to the research participants so that it is clear?

* What information can be revealed about the research while taking into account the research problem and purpose?

Collecting and Analyzing Data

Collecting Data

* Will full consent be essential from all study participants?
* Will there be a provision for the participants to opt-out of the survey or interview?
* How will the study ensure the security of the privacy, autonomy, and well-being of all participants?
* Will it be essential to get consent from both proxies (parents, guardians, and teachers) and the minor participants?
* How will the study ensure that the views expres...
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