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Emerging Adulthood Critical Thinking Purpose

Essay Instructions:

After reading the chapter, complete the following:
Part 1:
Write a paragraph answering the following question:
Do you think that emerging adulthood should be an accepted as a new developmental stage in a person’s lifespan? Use your own experiences to support your argument.
Part 2:
Read the Arnett paper and the Cote paper:
Arnett, J. J. (2000). Emerging adulthood: A theory of development from the late teens through the twenties. American Psychologist, 55(5), 469–480. https://eznvcc(dot)vccs(dot)edu/login?url=https://search(dot)ebscohost(dot)com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=pdh&AN=2000-15413-004&site=ehost-live&scope=site PDF Download PDF
Côté, J. (2014). The Dangerous Myth of Emerging Adulthood: An Evidence-Based Critique of a Flawed Developmental Theory. Applied Developmental Science, 18(4), 177–188. https://eznvcc(dot)vccs(dot)edu:2443/login?url=https://search(dot)ebscohost(dot)com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=a9h&AN=99090552&site=ehost-live&scope=site PDF Download PDF
Then write an essay (minimum 500 words) responding to one of the following Questions:
Critical Thinking Essay (Pick one question to answer for your essay [remember 500 word minimum]):
Whose paper, Arnett or Côté, did you find to be the most compelling? Cite at least two specific examples from the articles to support your argument.
Arnett used several points to define “emerging adulthood.” Choose two and explain how they support the idea that this is indeed a new stage in the lifespan. Balance this with your knowledge of the criticism brought forth by Cote and offer suggestions for future studies.
Why does Côté believe that the concept of “emerging adulthood” is dangerous? Describe two reasons that Cote offers. Do you agree, and if so have you seen this problem in your own life?
Regardless of the critical thinking question you choose, make sure to define Emerging Adulthood and explain the concept of the proposed stage making sure to cite your sources (including those from your chapter, the readings, the videos and any other outside sources that you might use). Make sure to include a reference page.
Part 3:
Post your part 1 and part 2 response to the discussion forum and respond to two classmates.
You will not be able to read other student posts until you have posted your own work!
Post your discussion:
Click the Reply button below to post your introduction in the discussion forum.
When finished, click the Post Reply button.
You can also find this discussion forum by clicking the Discussions link in Course Navigation.
This assignment is worth 20 points. Late work is not accepted.
This assignment is graded based on the accuracy of the definition and description of the proposed new stage of emerging adulthood and the accuracy of the response to the critical thinking question. Make sure to write clearly and in enough detail so that your understanding of the material is clear to the instructor. Inaccurate and/or incomplete essays will receive fewer points. Your initial post is worth 10 points and your responses to classmates are worth 5 points each.
Additionally, assignments are always graded on the quality of writing. You are encouraged to spell check and proofread your work as poor writing will result in up to a 10% (2 pt) grade reduction.
Written assignments (in any discipline) require both in-text and full reference citations. This is how you let the reader know where you obtained your information and is an important component to include in all college written work. Quoted material and paraphrased material require the use of in-text and full reference citations. For assistance with this requirement, please see the APA folder. Failure to include proper citations will result in a 10% grade reduction (1-2 points) on each assignment.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Module 10: Discussion - Emerging Adulthood Critical Thinking Purpose
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Module 10: Discussion - Emerging Adulthood Critical Thinking Purpose
Part 1
Emerging adulthood is the period between late adolescence and early adulthood. According to Arnett (2000), this period is characterized by identity exploration, instability in terms of work and social aspect, self-focus, a feeling of in-between adolescence and adulthood, and a sense of broad possibilities. From my own experiences, emerging adulthood should be accepted as a new developmental stage. One of the main shared traits among youths between ages 18 and 25 is the persistent exploration of their best self. I was not sure of what abilities matched a specific job at this age. Instead, most of the jobs I took were not what I wanted to hold on to, and the main reason I took these jobs was to meet my basic needs. In addition, I was not sure of what I expected from a romantic relationship. Also, I was optimistic about the future, whereby I wanted to achieve a better life than my parents and the older generations. This prompted me to focus on education to improve my living standards in the future.
Part 2
Although Arnett’s theory of emerging adulthood has gained popularity over the past years, some aspects emanating from this theory are dangerous to the current and the coming generations. Côté (2014), a major critic of Arnett’s theory, highlights some aspects that render the theory dangerous. One of the reasons highlighted in Côté’s criticism is that acceptance of emerging adulthood as a new developmental stage encourages marginalization of the individuals who continue to pursue the traditional paths to adulthood. In addition, Arnett’s theory also marginalizes individuals who lack the resources to take advantage of the moratorium opportunities available. This argument stems from Arnett’s failure to accurately account how social classes affect how the period between adolescence and adulthood is experienced. While upper-class youths may experience emerging adulthood, lower-class individuals lack the relevant resources or opportunities to delay their entry into adulthood. Consequently, accepting emerging adulthood as a new developmental stage results in the lower-class groups being left out in most incentives accorded to the young people experiencing eme...
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