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The Development of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) and its Pros and Cons

Essay Instructions:

Research the development of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Discuss several of the most common GMOs, how each was developed (including what happens at the cellular level), and the reasons for the development of each. In the research paper, include pros and cons of human use of GMOs and the pros and cons of introducing GMOs into an ecosystem. During the discussion of the pros and cons of introducing GMOs into an ecosystem, include three examples of GMOs and how they directly impact a food web and energy pyramid. Cite all sources used in the research paper. Sources cited in the research paper must also be included on a separate reference page which lists each reference in the proper format. Sources are expected to be those that are readily accepted by the scientific community, such as peer-reviewed articles, government websites, scientific magazines, and research-based institutions.

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Biology Project 1: Genetically Modified Organisms
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Biology Project 1: Genetically Modified Organisms
Modifying organisms is not a recent development. For thousands of years, humans have used breeding methods to modify organisms. For instance, humans have selectively bred cattle and corn to get desired traits. Conventional selective breeding and crossbreeding of plants and animals are time-consuming (Kaiser et al., 2020). Sometimes, the approach results in unwanted traits that emerge together with the desired ones. However, in the last few decades, advances in biotechnology have permitted scientists to directly alter the DNA of organisms. The modification of DNA has enabled scientists to avoid unwanted traits and improve the genetic makeup of organisms. The result is genetically modified organisms (GMOs) whose genome has been engineered to express desired traits. This paper will highlight common GMOs, how they were developed, and their pros and cons.
Common GMOs and their development
Soybeans are a common prevalent commodity crop in the North American region, where they occupy the most extensive acres more than any other crop. However, most of the soy is not for producing food; rather, it is for animal feeds and biodiesel. The genetic makeup of soybeans allows scientists to perform a variety of genetic modifications. Most of the soy in the US has been frenetically modified to be herbicide-tolerant (Bonny, 2011). Here, scientists use bacteria ordinarily resistant to herbicides and plants in soy plants. The result is a soybean variety resistant to some herbicides; hence farmers can use the particular herbicides without harming the crop.
Bacillus thuringiensis or Bt is a soil bacterium with genes for various proteins toxic to insects. For a long time, Bt has been used as an organic pesticide. However, the Bt toxins are susceptible to UV light and wash off when it rains heavily. The problem has been addressed by genetically engineering corn to include Bt genes. “Delta-endotoxins” and “vegetative insecticidal proteins” (VIPs) are encoded into the cells of corn at the embryo phase. As the corn matures, it has the Bt gene in its cells and expresses the insecticidal protein in the leaves. When caterpillars eat the leaves, the toxin damages the gut lining, starving them (Argôlo-Filho & Loguercio, 2014). The main aim of GM corn is to ensure that farmers use fewer pesticides. Bt corn saves on the costs of pesticides and allows farmers to have vest more yield.
AquAdvantage salmon
Genetically engineered salmon was developed by injecting rDNA consisting of a promoter from an ocean pout and a growth hormone gene obtained from a Pacific Chinook salmon into fertilized eggs of Atlantic salmon. The gene allows AquAdvantage salmon to grow throughout the year instead of only during the spring and summer (Goubau, 2011). The modifications will enable the fish to speed up growth without altering its size and other vital qualities. Farmers can then grow the fish and harvest it faster than a naturally occurring variety. GM salmon reduces the time needed to get the fish to the market. This saves farmers’ costs and also increases their yield. It allows fish to be more readily available.
Pros and cons of human use of GMOs
GMOs are critical in lowering food prices and increasing the nutritional content of foods. Population growth, farming, and climate change have contributed to reduced yield. Food shortages have become common globally, causing people to consider alternative ways of improving the production of crops and animals. With GMOs, farmers can grow crops in drought regions or depleted soils (Oliver, 2014). With more production, food prices lower, allowing farmers to feed more people. Additionally, GMOs allow farmers to grow crops enhanced with the necessary vitamins (Hefferon, 2015). For instance, scientists engineered rice with high beta-carotene levels to address Vitamin A deficie...
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