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Two Educational Resourcesaimed At Preventing Child Abuse

Essay Instructions:

Choose two educational resources (tips, fact sheets, etc.) aimed at preventing child abuse (from Prevent Child Abuse - America , Prevent Child Abuse - New York , or another credible source.)  Write a synopsis of each resource, including whether you’d recommend it, to whom and why (maximum 2 pages total.)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Two Educational Resources Aimed At Preventing Child Abuse
Two educational resources aimed at preventing child abuse
Voices for Children Foundation
Voices for Children Foundation is an online platform that creates awareness on child abuse cases. The organization offers foster care and advocates for legal policy practices that protect foster children. The foundation website acts as a recruiting point for Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) (Voices for Children Foundation, 2017). CASA are volunteers who represent children in court. The website contains important facts and success stories about child abuse cases. The website offers a platform for donation and volunteer opportunities to those willing to help abused children (Voices for Children Foundation, 2017).
The website highlight key annual events like parties, soccer games aimed at creating awareness on child abuse and also raise money. The website offers important fact related to child abuse focusing on foster care. Most of the blog post contents highlight success stories from communities talking about community initiatives aimed increasing awareness about child abuse. Several moving testimonies about individual experiences especially after joining the network offers valuable insights on child abuse cases (Voices for Children Foundation, 2017).
The website is a good educational resource for legal practitioners who would want to give back to the society by volunteering their services to represent abused children. I would recommend this platform to anyone willing to make a personal donation towards helping abused children. These are several ways whereby individuals are encouraged to make a difference through the Voice for Children online platform.
Prevent Child Abuse America
Prevent Child Abuse America offers resourceful feedbacks and online dialogues on policies addressing child abuse and neglect across all population. The platform offers research findings and facts related to child abuse. Prevent Child Abuse America provides online services that raise awareness about some of the unacceptable sexual abuse cases with the aim of ensuring that sexual abuse becomes everyone responsibility (Prevent Child Abuse America, 2017).
Prevent Child Abuse America provides educative material to the public and policymakers about the true picture of sexual abuse cases by disseminating accurate information to the public and policy makers to break down the silence and cultural norms regarding child sexual abuse. One of the organization's key activities is to explore and evaluate new approaches to preventing child sexual abuse. One of the new approaches currently being explored is how to foster survivor leadership among children (Prevent Child Abuse America, 2017).
The organization believes that shifting prevention education from children to adults is the key strategy to minimize cases of child sexual abuse. Most of their activities focus on extensive public education targeting adults and training for parent and caregivers on how to protect their children. Through partn...
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