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Educational Philosophy/Mission Statement for Education

Essay Instructions:

Please read below what the instructor wants

Session 3 Activity

1. One of the frameworks of this course is Joyce Epstein’s Six Components to Family Involvement. We will explore this more deeply in the coming weeks. For this week, I would like to introduce it. Please review by clicking on the link below:


2. With that in mind, next watch the following four (4) short videos (they are all less than 6 mins each). Throughout this course I will introduce you to a wide variety of educational theorists and philosophers from all different historical times, including present-day. Sonia Nieto and Pedro Noguera are two of these.

3. After hearing their perspectives, and based on this week’s readings, I would like you to compose your own educational philosophy/mission statement for education. (Try to keep to one page, but no more than two pages). I purposefully do not want to give you too many prompts as this should be a reflection of your own natural beliefs on the goal of education, but I do hope your philosophy includes a desire towards creating authentic educational equity, and how a valid partnership between schools with families/communities would be instrumental in this aim. Be sure to cite all sources used.

Videos for This Week

Pedro Noguera:


Sonia Nieto:




Please also see attached reading documents


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Educational Philosophy/Mission Statement for Education
Student Full Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Full Title
Instructor Full Name
Due Date
Educational Philosophy/Mission Statement for Education
My educational philosophy includes ensuring educational equity and developing meaningful partnerships with families/communities. The highest-performing education systems give children quality education while helping all children succeed in their schooling. My educational philosophy focuses on combining equity with quality and reducing school failure among children with special needs or with behavioral problems (NYU Steinhardt, 2012, 0:14-0:20). Schools should provide enriching learning experiences for all learners, particularly struggling students who require timely and adequate support to continue staying in education and succeed in the labor market. My educational philosophy involves addressing all forms of marginalization, vulnerability, and inequality in education access and participation, as well as in learning resources and outcomes. Teachers should perceive learners’ diversities as occasions for improving and democratizing education for all students. Tied to this mission of ensuring inclusion and equity in education is that of using multilingualism to drive learning acceleration.
No student should have to give up their language or culture. I do not support subtractive bilingual programs that focus on English proficiency while impeding students’ ability in their home...
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