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Confronting Persistent Social Inequalities in American Schools

Essay Instructions:

Synthesizing Activity #1 Description

There will be two synthesizing activities assigned this semester before the final culminating assignment.

The first synthesizing assignment will be due at the end of Week 5 on Friday, 10/16 at 11:59 PM.

This activity will not simply be a summary of what you have learned; rather you will be asked to use critical thinking in order to articulate how you are identifying and examining your own assumptions about students, teachers, and schools as well as how your assumptions may be changed or changing. Additionally, you will synthesize what you are learning in order to take a stance on inequality in schools using evidence from sources we are reading and studying together in the course.

Your task has two parts: 1) a visual component and 2) a written component.

Visual: You will share an image that represents something at the core of what you have learned in the first 5 weeks of the course about Confronting Persistent Social Inequalities in American Schools. It may be a photo you take for the assignment or one you have taken previously, a photo you find online, a painting...any visual representation you choose.

Written: You will submit a 2 - 3 page essay explaining how your image invokes key aspects of the course and what you have learned thus far. Please address how you are identifying and examining your own assumptions about students, teachers, and schools as well as how your assumptions may be changed or changing. Please cite a minimum of three course texts ("text" includes articles, chapters, podcasts, and videos) in your essay.

please use one of the essaay I wrote for another class and one of the class reading and a video combine them together to meet the requirement of this assignment


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Education Paper- Confronting Persistent Social Inequalities in American Schools
Name Course Instructor Date
1) Visual component
2) Written component
The picture’s main focus is the picture of the world map between two hands to signify equality. There is no one single solution to dealing with social inequalities in American Schools, and this is further complicated by outsiders who propose solutions without a good understanding of how different factors affect school performance among minorities in the US. Farmer-Hinton et al. (2013) Argue that insider knowledge is necessary to improve the education standards of large urban schools. The realities of black America from childhood to experiences in education are different from mainstream America because they are treated and judged differently partly because of implicit bias (Ted, 2015). Some parents and teachers understand the need to expand education opportunities as a way to achieve equality, but still, students who are judged harshly by members of a community tend to fare worst. 
Underrepresentation of African Americans in the mainstream society means that they have less power to influence favorable outcomes that address social inequalities. For instance, there is a low representation of people of color in museums and they are mainly relegated to low-level jobs. Even when there is the recognition that racism may affect daily living this is barely addressed in museum experiences, and yet there is high potential to attract diverse people (Levitt, 2015). Underrepresentation and discrimination limit the visibility of minorities, and there is a need to identify opportunities while acknowledging the unique circumstance for different communities. Official narratives on African Americans often ignore their voices and focus on certain aspects of histories without necessarily offering opportunities for strength and growth.
Personal choices do affect education outcomes, but still, persistent social inequalities in the American education system, shows that there are structural issues that make it difficult to close the education gap. I have learned to question whether cases of injustice and inequality are isolated and how both choices and systemic factors explain the persistent social inequity in the US. Educators can create spaces for African American students to thrive, yet assumptions that they are incapable of high academic achievement aff...
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