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Early Childhood Programs. Foundations of Early Childhood Educations

Essay Instructions:

write-up on what you believe of Early Childhood Programs have given to support…. the Foundations of Early Childhood Educations…..what have they contributed or added to the Education for Young Children.Please see attached document for Early Childhood Programs

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Early childhood programs
Institutional Affiliation
There is no other time in a person’s life that one learns and grows faster as in the early years. The care given to children in the first childhood years of one to three years influences a child’s life. Research experts demonstrate that the experience children get as well as, the environment they grow in their formative years shapes the development of their brain, promotes good health and makes them industrious members of society. Early childhood programs have contributed to the advance of outcomes of young children and their families by supporting the foundation of early childhood schooling in the following ways.
First, childhood programs are responsible for facilitating early learning and childcare education under the Child Day Care Act. According to the Government of Northwest Territories, the Early Childhood Program oversaw the introduction of early childhood education programs such as childcare centers and family day homes through subsidizing its cost. The child day care centers and family day homes include early childhood education programs, preschools, kindergarten and after-school programs that offer education to young children (Government of Northwest Territories, 2019). These programs supported the foundation of educating young children by providing play-based environments for children to develop and model best practices.
Second, early childhood programs have instituted schools through funding. The provision of childhood education differs from one state to the other. However, education programs have been designed to provide training and childcare to three, four and five-year-old children; thus, funding is necessary. According to Preschool Teacher.Org, early childhood programs such as Head Start operated under the financing of the federal government to ensure children from underprivileged families accessed early childhood education (PreSchoolTeacher.org, 2019). As a result, many providers of early childhood education have benefited from federal funding to educate young children, which currently stands at eighty-five percent. To benefit schools have to make applications to state agencies, and after approval, they get federal money, which has seen the growth of early childhood education.
Third, the programs have facilitated access to high-quality education during the formative years of a child. Education programs acknowledge that early childhood education should be a nurturing experience, and source of learning, which stimulates the development of children in the different developmental areas (Wechsler, Melnick, Maier & Bishop, 2019, pp. 1-2). Thus, they have contributed to the achievement of this in several ways. One, they have created a well-rounded curriculum that offers support in the different areas a child should develop. Two, the programs treat the health of a child, nutrition, and the needs of the family. Three, they carry out regular assessments to promote learning by t...
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