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Assessment Assignment: Observation And Running Records

Essay Instructions:

Using the text “Assessment of Young Children” as a guideline and your own understanding and experience/knowledge of Assessment, choose 2 types of assessment that you feel, as a future teacher you would feel most comfortable with ….for example, portfolios or observation or running records….and write 3 page write-upon on why you choose each. There is no right or wrong choice here…you might choose an assessment technique now, that in 5 years…you can’t imagine why you thought it was the best or most reliable at this time.

TEXT: Assessment of Young Children ‘A Collaborative Approach’ By Lisa B. Fiore, Taylor & Francis ISBN. 978-0-415-88811-0 (hbk) or ISBN. 978 –0-415-88812-7 (pbk)

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Assessment assignment Name Institutional Affiliation Introduction Assessment, according to Lisa Fiore refers to the process of gathering information about the learning process to identify the learning outcomes by children. It incorporates collecting of information such as childhood experiences and activities to inform a specific goal (Fiore, 2012). Assessing young children is essential in helping a teacher understand their students and also ensures they are learning by utilizing two types of assessment namely, observation and running records. Observation Teacher observation is one of the highly recommended assessment techniques I would use. The method is an acceptable source of information, which involves a teacher observing students in a classroom setting to identify different demonstrations of learning outcomes in early childhood (Fiore, 2012). As a future teacher, I would choose to employ this technique for various reasons. One, observation enables a teacher to read their students. Throughout the teaching process, a teacher can examine the class and watch as the student listen to them or undertake their class work. Through this technique, a teacher observes the facial expressions children make and the different behavior they present, which informs on their mood and whether they are learning, according to the Queensland School Curriculum Council (Maxwell, 2001, pp. 1-4). For instance, a teacher can observe cues such as boredom, frustration, confusion and disruptions to interpret that the children do not understand what one is teaching or the work they are carrying out, while excitement tells one that the children find the topic under discussion interesting thus, are paying attention. Two, the technique helps teachers improve the value and quality of education. Just like other assessments, collecting data through observation helps a teacher understand the challenges students face, their study habits and attitude. By taking down notes on these observations, you can improve class activities and tailor the curriculum toward the needs of the students (McDonald, 2018, pp. 31-32). For example, when children are working on group activities, a teacher make observations to identify the different strengths children portray such as taking the leadership role or weaknesses such as the quiet observers who do not contribute nor have an idea of what is going on. Such observations aid a teacher to plan group activities in such a way that all children engage equally. Also, it informs the teacher of the questions that come up and the problems they face, which need additional instructions, enabling a teacher to make curriculum changes to solve the issues identified and make learning easier. Running records Running records is another type of assessment I would utilize as a f...
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