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Early Childhood Math and Science Lesson

Essay Instructions:

Directions:  Be sure to make an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English spelling and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be four (4) double-spaced pages in length; refer to the "Format Requirements" page for specific format requirements.

Part 1

Your assignment is to choose an objective relevant to math for the primary grades. You should use your state math standards just as you did with science for Assignment 4. Then use the lesson plan outline below to create a math lesson.

For this assignment, instead of an initial activity, you will start your lesson with a “motivating question,” to not only engage students in the lesson, but to offer the opportunity for a brief informal pre-assessment. The lesson should end with evaluation of both yourself and your students.

Part 2

As you did your reading for Lesson 7, it brought about the understanding that math and science can, and should be, intertwined with literacy.

  • Books can serve many purposes in math and science.
  • Books can be used as initial activities in lessons to grab the students’ attention.
  • Books can help foster the use of concept words.
  • Books can serve as visual aids in understanding math and science concepts.

Using children’s books is a great way to teach math and science concepts across the curriculum.

  1. Find three children’s books that could be used in correlation with a particular math or science concept or skill.
  2. In paragraph form, be sure to identify the title and author of each book.
  3. Give a brief overview of each book, and explain which math or science concept or skill you would use each book to help teach.
  4. Finally, briefly describe an activity you could do with the students as an extension of each story to help teach the concept or skill
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Math and science
Students may use items, fingers, mental pictures, verbal explanations, phrases, or equations to depict addition and subtraction. Students will work with the instructor in groups and group discussions to learn how to add and subtract in various methods.
Motivation Question
Using math, how many different methods can I add and subtract with color marshmallows?
Learning target
When the pupil arrives, they will be informed that they will be studying the marshmallows math game today. Also, recap the pupils that subtracting involves taking something from the presented and adding standards to give something to someone. All of the pupils in the class will be matching up with one more pupil for the class duration. The pupils will be handed index cards on which they will need to inscribe down each adding and subtracting case they encounter. Then instruct them to turn the paper completed and inscribe a whole calculation on the back. For instance, I may ask the pupil to write 7 - 3 = 4 on the anterior of a directory card and then 7 - 4 = 3 on the posterior to demonstrate understanding. 10 cubes and 2 adding or subtracting question papers will be distributed to each student (Allen et al., 2019). To pique the kids' attention, they will be informed that the individual with the correct answers will earn a reward consisting of marshmallows.
With various exercises, discussion topics, and observations, the pupils will be intelligent to represent adding and subtracting problems in several diverse ways. They will do so by adding and removing material things. The learner will demonstrate repetitive addition and subtraction scenarios using items and illustrations.
Student fingers, a tiny plastic cup (1 per pupil), multicolored marshmallows (10 per pupil), a pencil, a simple plate, a directory card, and a question sheet are required materials for this project.
Advanced Preparation
As a teacher, I must create a check-off list to ensure that I have all of the resources necessary to complete the tasks I have set forth for my students to do throughout the school day. The preparations involve heading to the supermarket in advance of time to get the marshmallows, simple plates, and dishes, among other things. Before the students come, I will double-check that each of the workstations is fully stocked with all of the resources necessary for each student to perform their assignment successfully. A tiny plastic cup (one per student), colored marshmallows (ten per pupil), a pencil, a simple plate, a catalog card, and flashcards will be provided at each station by the teacher.
For fifteen minutes, the students will be engaged in autonomous work time in groups of two or three people. Each kid will get a paper plate and a plastic cup with ten multicolored marshmallows in various colors. The pairings will be given four flashcards, each of which will include an arithmetic problem involving addition or subtraction, for example, (3+1 or 3-1). They will be paired up with another student who will read the card to them, and the other student will have to figure out the number of marshmallows they will need to display on their paper plate. The learner will next subtract the amount they previously added and determine the solution to the subtraction in the same manner as they did for the addition afterward.
The following are the two questions that will be asked to establish whether or not my kids are working and learning rather than just playing:
I have a scenario wh...
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